A Mother’s Birthday Legacy

Happy Birthday, Mom Celebrating Patti Eileen Bastian: A Legacy of Faith and Joy Today marks the birthday of my incredible mom, Patti Eileen Bastian. Though cancer took her from us far too soon, (1996, age 53) her impact on my life and countless others remains immeasurable. She was not only my mom but also my first mentor and the reason I dedicated my life to children’s ministry. Her unwavering belief in my potential and her passion for making faith fun and engaging have become the foundation of my life’s work. As a young boy, I once told my mom that I wanted to be a children’s evangelist “when I grew up.” Without hesitation, she replied, “Why wait until you grow up? You can start this week!” True to her word, she helped me write my first lesson and encouraged me to turn my magic tricks into object lessons. Next, she found a puppet at a thrift store, gave it to me and suggested I use it to do announcements at our weekly kids’ club. “Harry Jinkle, my first puppet, became the first of many, sparking a love for creativity that still drives me today. Mom was a master of seeing…

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From Lego to Loyalty: A Heart Full of Thanks!

From Lego to Loyalty: A Heart Full of Thanks Today, I pause with a thankful grin, For all the joys that life lets in. From Lego bricks, since I was three, To Star Wars tales of destiny. The works of Tolkien ignite my mind, With realms of courage, richly defined. A yo-yo’s spin, a Rubik’s twist, Simple joys I can’t resist. Great action movies or classics that amuse, Laughter and thrills, I gladly choose. Gus, my sidekick puppet since college days, Helping kids learn in engaging ways. To hiking trails and drones that fly, Through nature’s splendor and the open sky. Photography capturing God’s great art, And Apple tech that’s sleek and smart. Yet none of these, no earthly cheer, Compares to family, friends so dear. Their loyalty through highs and lows, Their love a constant that always shows. Through Kidology.org, my calling clear, Equipping others, year by year. To reach the kids, to teach His name, To share His love, to spread His fame. For Jesus Christ, my Savior and King, The source of every song I sing. Despite my flaws, His love remains, He guides my steps, He heals my pains. So on this day, my thanks I…

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Jesus Was a ZOMBIE!

Helping Kids Understand the Bible: “Jesus was a Zombie!” By Pastor Karl Bastian, Kidology.org   When my son, Luke, was little, my sister gave him a Scooby-Doo DVD. My wife, Sara, and I had a little discussion about whether or not he was ready for something “scary.” Up to that point, he hadn’t seen any entertainment with ghosts, monsters, or vampires. We decided it might be best to hold off and save it for when he was older. But, as parenting often goes, the very next day he came home from the neighbor’s house, beaming with excitement, eager to tell us about a new show he’d discovered: Scooby-Doo! We looked at each other and laughed. Thus began the Scooby-Doo era, which would last for many years. Realizing there was no turning back, we decided to give him the DVD my sister had gifted, and the whole family sat down to watch it. Our goal was to monitor how he handled the scarier elements, ready to jump in with a discussion if anything confused or frightened him. At the end of the episode, Luke turned to me with wide, curious eyes and asked, “Daddy, what is a zombie?” I wanted to…

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A Pen-Pal in the Philippines

It was a Sunday night in high school. And even though I was sitting in the back pew with my buddies, it was a day that would change my life forever. We had chosen these seats, the farthest possible away from the action because there was a guest speaker from out of town. A missionary who had asked if he could come preach in Chicago because they happened to be in town, even though most of his supporters were out West. My dad had offered his pulpit. I knew the missionary sermon all too well. Matthew 28… Great Commission… pictures of the mission field… challenge to pray, give, or go. I probably could have stepped in if he’d gotten a sore throat and needed me to. But then, I saw it – the picture of his family – and heard him talking about his daughter, Sara. I had just returned from a mission trip to Honduras the week before and perked up. (She was cute.) As her dad talked about some of the dangers they had faced as a family – including hiding her in a hidden compartment when soldiers came through the neighborhood – my buddies and I all…

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Tell kids you LIKE them… it means more to them than “I love you.”

Many years ago, I was visiting with family and having fun tussling with one of my nephews who was about seven years old at the time. He was a kid I only got to see a few times a year, but we were pretty close. One of our favorite games was “Pillow Monster.” I would pile pillows on top of him while he was on the couch, and then “attack” the pile of pillows. I would “never notic” that he had escaped from under the pile as I trashed the pillows, jumping up and down on them pretending I was attacking him. He would laugh hysterically completely unaware that I could hear him behind me, knowing he wasn’t under the pile of pillows. Then, he would cover me in pillows and jump on the pillows, but of course, I wouldn’t be able to escape! It always ended in an exhausted heap of hugs to watch TV or something more relaxing. One time as we settled down to catch our breath, I blurted out, “Michael, I love you.” His response surprised me but had a profound impact on me. He said, “Uncle Karl, of course you love me. You’re my uncle.…

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