Easter Bunny Secret Identity Revealed!

Sara, Luke, and Karl – Easter 2007

Easter 2006 was a day that was very significant in our little family. While we took Luke into our home on April 1st last year, it was on Easter Sunday one year ago that we met with the birth mother and she made her final decision to give him to us. And then the legal adoption process began. Since that process ended in December, we’ve been enjoying our life as a little family at the beginning of this Adventure called Parenting!

See how he has grown! Here is last Easter:

Karl, Luke, and Sara – Easter 2006

Now he is a cool little dude who can crawl, climb stairs, and stuff Cherioes down the heating vents!

Ready for Church on Easter Sunday!

A man comfortable in front of a camera!

And then the Easter Bunny arrived! Oh, how embarrassing, er, I mean, exciting!

Yes, that is me, dressed as the Easter Bunny. (blush) But in my defense, it was not my idea! My older sister handed me the costume just minutes before the family Easter Egg Hunt and says, “put it on” and what’s a dad to do? Let pride get in the way? So I put it on for the children.

Luke finds his first Easter Egg!

Somebunny Gets Bunny Ears from a Bunny!

This is my older sister, the one responsible for the rabbit costume, so of course, when we posed for family pictures, I just had to give her bunny ears!

Last photo of Luke with a clean white shirt on!

As usual, Luke’s favorite part of the day was eating. Second only to smearing his food all over the tray!

Grandma not too old for video conferencing!

Luke’s Grandma and Grampa joined the gathering via Skype for a bit and got to visit with all their grandkids, and Luke’s great grandmother!

Luke kissing an older woman!

Luke has learned to kiss lately and Grandma was happy to receive many! It was a very nice day of family, and food and relaxed fellowship. Too many black jelly beans later, I need to head to bed!

Easter Bunny Bunch Before Lunch

(since it’s not about the bunny!)

I love Easter for many reasons. First of all, it is the holy day that brought hope of new life! It is now also the day our family went from two to three. Both are reasons for joy and optimism.

For Easter my wife gave me a new book by Max Lucado titled, “Every Day Deserves a Chance” and it is so encouraging, I’m only a few chapters into it, but I highly recommend it already. It is a book about chosing hope over despair every day, no matter what you might be facing in life. He starts by pointing out that the familar verse, “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it*” is not just about the good days, like today, it is about EVERY DAY. “This is the day” is TODAY. It is a day the Lord has made, no matter what “Today” might be like or what challenges or trials it may contain, and we are to rejoice “in” it. Not after it, not even through it, or if it goes our way, but in the midst of it, we are to find joy. He ends chapter one with these words:

“The next time you are mired in a bad day, check your outlook with these three questions:

1) What do I feel guilty about?
2) What am I worried about?
3) What am I about?

Reflect on your answer with these reminders:


Jesus’ design for a good day makes such sense. His grace erases guilt. His oversight removes fear. His direction removes confusion.”

So, go have a good day, on God!

*Psalm 118:24


Karl Bastian is the founder of Kidology.org, the creator of ToyboxTales.com, and the author of OrderoftheAncient.com. His personal website is Kidologist.com He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. i always wondered who the Easer Bunny was… but can you hop?

  2. He was hopping down the street long after the kids went back in the house waving at passing cars. It was quite the site considering it was me, Karl, and our older sister. It had to look funny since their were no kids and there were just 3 adults in the street talking and one being in a bunny suit. HAHA :-)

    Karl and Sara, we had a fun day with you all. Much love, Melissa

  3. Well, I never made it to the mall to get a picture of Luke with the Easter Bunny. But the Lord does provide! How many 1 year olds have a pic of them with their dad in a bunny costume? Not many, let me tell ya!

  4. Karl, I noticed that the Easter Bunny visited your house. Somehow, he missed our place. I guess he eat too many Easter eggs and did get out to the West coast this year. Last seen he has put on some weight. Ha Very cute and funny.

  5. What a terrific blog recap of the day! And, you got a great picture of Maggie Mom and us. Love the photos of Luke in a suit. Wish we could have been there in person.

    Love, Dad

  6. For the Children? Yeah right! Love it!

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