If April Showers, Bring May Flowers

If April Showers,
Bring May Flowers

What does April Snow Bring?

the view out my window!

the Easter Bunny is confused! THIS is Spring?

Mysterious Patterns Appear in the Drive Way

So much for Global Warming!
(or a relaxing swing in the back yard)

By the way, if you don’t know what Global Warming is, it is simply a paranoid scare tactic to raise money and increase political power by those who will do anything to get power. You probably don’t know why they only use climate data from 1975 to present? Because from 1940 to 1974 the world was cooling and the political kooks at that time where using a Global Cooling scare (“The Next Ice Age is Here!) to raise money and try to gain political power. Bet you didn’t know that Congress was having special sessions on Global Cooling in the 70’s. Nope. Because that would be an Inconvenient Truth! :) (Want the truth, watch this documentary from the UK that debunks this American obsession) An even more “Inconvenient Truth”, (or stinky truth) reported by our own government agriculture agency, is that US cattle flatulence (big word so kids don’t know) accounts for over 70% of all “green house gases;” far more than anything man made ever could. So before you avoid that aerosol can, or exhale (also a green house gas!) kill a cow instead and save the world!

VIDEO UPDATE: The link above is updated, but if it changes, you can find it by searching for The Global Warming Swindle.


Karl Bastian is the founder of Kidology.org, the creator of ToyboxTales.com, and the author of OrderoftheAncient.com. His personal website is Kidologist.com He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. Yeah! for global warming. I loved the video and even showed part of it to my son as follow-up to a recent conversation we had. His school had a full afternoon presentation on the “dangers of global warming”. I had to refocus toward our Christian stewardship of the earth entrusted to our care. But this whole Global Warming thing is getting way out of hand… or it may be just part of a larger plot. (more conspiracy theories available at they’reafterme.com)

  2. This is crazy. A few weeks ago I was riding my motorcycle! Now its back to the car! MELT SNOW MELT!

  3. I found your blog through Baby Blackwell. I used to be Laura’s Teacher’s Aide at First Baptist Lakewood.

    I love your blog. I have read down through your posts. What a beautiful family you have and the Lord has certainly blessed you with that darling little boy. The Lord is good!

    Your snow pictures and comments are funny. Of course I can say there funny living out here in sunny So. California :)

    Regarding your comments on global warming, I couldn’t agree more. Here is a blog you might be interested in. This woman lives in Orange County and has good thoughts on this subject and many others.


    You are welcome to visit my blog, though I don’t update it like I should. Also, Flat Stanley. We do that project at our school and it began back when Laura taught there. It was her idea. Only we make larger cut outs of the boys and girls and they color them to look like themselves. We laminate them and then fold them up and send them off. We are just now starting to get them back in time for Open House in May. A fun project.

  4. I have never in my life been in or seen snow like that!!

    I love your Easter Sunday family picture.

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