Kidologist NEW Blog Goes Live!

Here it is! I’ve been bloggin’ since March 1, 2005, and have been overdue to redesign this site and add more functionality for quite a while. The artwork on this site (and my new brochure, business card and letterhead) was done by the creative team over at Timbuktoons and this WordPress blog was themed to match by a firm they recommended, PowerServe. I would highly recommend both of these firms for excellence in work and ease of product management and speed!

Until we get the archives moved over, you can access the old blog here.

Be the first to use the Comments and let me know what you think! (no more required Blogger account!)


Karl Bastian is the founder of, the creator of, and the author of His personal website is He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. Hey, Karl, sharp new look, keep bloggin’ you slacker!

  2. Um… woah. How did you switch to the new layout? I’ve seen one other site like this and I’d like to know!

  3. Sweat, fresh layout. Looks nice man!

  4. I switched from Blogger to WordPress and hired someone to make the template for me.

  5. Nice…. very nice!

  6. Nice work Karl!

    VERY nice look. Keep up the awesome blogging!

  7. Loving the progress Karl, very schveeet! I’ll even throw in a Kachang

  8. Looks good to me Karl!

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