BIG God, BIG Worshippers!


“Growing Kids into BIG Worshipers” is the goal of Worship for Kids.


Fun, upbeat music your kids are gonna love jumpin’ and singin’ to. Each of their three volumes come with cool kid-friendly music with an audio CD and DVD for presentation AND a dvd with the hand motions. The first two volumes also have lesson to go with each song. They are great! I have used them many times for filler weeks, summer break or special events.


Check ’em out at
Tell ’em Karl sent you!


  1. There are so many music DVD resources available. It’s hard to decide which to use. Is there someone you know who’s music savvy but objective who can compare them and give us the strengths of each resource?

  2. Me! :o ha. Variety is the key with kiddos. I like these, God’s Kids Worship is good, and you are right, there are many. I don’t think there is “one” that is the best – and kids get bored with one. Personally, LIVE is always best, even with a drop in quality – because it is a REAL person. So I’d say, try ’em all, have a wide variety to pick from, choose songs that fit your lesson, and don’t be afraid to led yourself!

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