A Texas Style Weekend

This weekend I had the privilege of participating in a Kidology To Go in Georgetown, TX, just North of Austin, the capital of Texas. I’ll be posting pictures later of the awesome children’s ministry rooms at NewChurch. One of the highlights of the trip was getting to hang out with CP Team member Jeramy Chapman. We hadn’t seen each other since CPC Dallas in 2003 (I think), so it was awesome to catch up. Jeramy is the childen’s pastor at The Journey, a five year old mobile church. I will be writing a Kidology Report on mobile children’s ministry based upon this visit, so stay tuned! As a sneak peek, here is a flash video of the 20 minutes set up of the Kids Church room speeded up to three minutes. Enjoy: But first, Texas style breakfast… But before all the great ministry, Jeramy made me get up an hour earlier than necessary to take me to his favorite donut joint, Round Rock Donuts. Reportedly ranked #2 in the entire USA by an independant British pastry reviewer. (Krispy Kremes didn’t even make the list) There were many choices, how would I decide? And then I saw: The Texas Donut! WOW!…

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You may remember a few months ago when I went to One Way Street’s I-FEST conference as a Kidology Reporter to check out this event and report on Kidology the status of Puppet Ministry. Well, it took longer than I’d hoped, but the Kidology Report on Puppet Ministry is now live, and features I-FEST as evidence that puppet ministry is alive and well. In addition to the MP3 interview with OWS’s new president, Todd Liebenow, I put together a video of several interviews I did while there, appropriately with puppets – both Gus, my main puppet, and a new little guy I bought while there. (already seen in a post about Puppet Team names interviewing a baby!) It’s nearly 15 minutes long, but it will give you some glimpses into I-FEST as well as show you how I use a puppet to interview people. ENJOY! Karl’s Puppet Interview Attendees at I-FEST 2007: Available also as a QuickTime download (113mb): Kidology I-FEST Interviews

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There’s No Place Like Family

Just returned from a week away with my family and wife’s parents in beautiful Galena, Illinois. While I was there I also became 38 years old! There was a time when I thought 40 was old… nah, 40 is still a punk!!! One of the benefits of being away was that I had very little Internet or iPhone coverage… though I did have to snag an unsecured network here or there a few times to check in and make sure my staff was still working. (just kidding!) Technically this was not a vacation (then I do disconnect completely) but this was a writing retreat, and it was wonderful to get some concentrated time writing the second Kidology Leadership Lab… something only hinted at so far on Kidology.org but soon to be released in October 2007! Whaddaya know, I’m actually starting to work AHEAD on projects! If you know me, you should be impressed that I am writing Unit 2 when Unit 1 is in the can but still unreleased! It’s all part of living a slower paced life now. But better than the focused time to write was the time with family in a beautiful natural setting away from the…

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Kidology Handbook Promo Video

Please don’t watch this video… it is very embarrassing. You watched it, didn’t you? Oh, well. For more information check out The Kidology Handbook – Teacher’s Edition on Kidology.org. Don’t forget the blog only special mentioned when I announced the new Kidology Handbook here on my blog! (No one has claimed the prizes yet!) Never assume you are too late! Order your advance copy today!

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Luke’s First Rock Concert!

Saturday Luke got to go to his first live concert at Ravina. This concert venue includes a pavillion with ticketed seats like most concerts, but also includes a huge outdoor lawn area surrounded by restaurants. It is a favorite entertainment destination for Chicagoans. My last visit to Ravina was for the Music of Star Wars. Now it was Luke’s turn to join hundreds of other little tots for Ralph’s World live in concert! Daddy and Son Mommy and Son! Luke seemed a little overwhelmed at first. He kept looking around at allll the kids and people and lights, and finally noticed the band on the stage. It was so cute, there will little kids everywhere dancing in the aisles. The ushers quickly gave up trying to keep the aisles clear. Luke hesitantly joins the others jammin’ in the aisle. We had never heard of Ralph’s World, but the music was fun. It was all about lemonade, and sand boxes, and water, and chocolate cake. We were surprised to see all the adults sining along as well – one dad in front of me was singing along to a song about how his baseball dreams never came true because of his…

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