FREE BOOK: UnChristian – CHRISTIANITY has an Image Problem


Just wanted to let you know you can order this free book HERE!


The title seems interesting. writes, “It used to be, says David Kinnaman, that Christianity was both big and beloved in the U.S. — even among its non-adherents. Back in 1996, a poll taken by Kinnaman’s organization, the Barna Group, found that 83% of Americans identified themselves as Christians, and that fewer than 20% of non-Christians held an unfavorable view of Christianity. But, as Kinnaman puts it in his new book (co-authored with Gabe Lyons) UnChristian, “That was then.”

140/37 got some work to do!


Karl Bastian is the founder of, the creator of, and the author of His personal website is He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. I have another guess for your 4000/40. Is is minutes on the treadmill or as som of us like to call it the dreadmill? :-)

    Keep up the good work. Your doing great at whatever you are doing! :-)

  2. I ordered the book. Have you already read it and if so what are your thoughts?

  3. I am so sick and tired of people railing on Christians, if you don’t want to believe in Christ that is your own business, some of us choose to believe, and for those of us who are believers in Christ he adds something special to our lives. If you don’t want to believe thats fine, but don’t try to get people who do to stop.

    Kidologist comment: Just so you know, that isn’t the point of the book. The book is pro-Christian; it is about how to reach a world that is less favorable toward Christianity than we have had in the past. It is about how to preach Christ in a culture that is more and more less “Christian.”

  4. I thought you would want to know that Fermi Project just released the official “UnChristian: Change the Perception” DVD Curriculum designed for small groups and church staffs. It has David Kinnaman, Gabe Lyons, Shane Claiborne and Rick McKinley talking through how the perceptions can change and is a resource I would highly recommend. Check it out at:

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