What Obama’s Victory Means

It is no secret I rooted for Mitt. I have autographed campaign hats to prove it. So what does an Obama victory mean, as a Christian? It is important to start by saying that as a Christian – we operate on two plains. The earthly plain and the heavenly. For Scripture teaches that All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things… Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do. For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, (temporarily wants) and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious…

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Worst Possible Election Outcome

OK – I’m a political junkie… (if you don’t like politics, skip this post.) Right now, here is the latest standings according to one of my favorite political pundants, Karl Rove: (click to view bigger) I decided to download the iPad App FOX NEWS You Decide 2012 Map, which lets you track your OWN Electoral Map – (kinda cool, for politcal junkies, like me.) I went ahead and played with it: I gave Florida to Obama… As much as it hurt, I gave up Colorado too. But for reasons I won’t get into here, I took Ohio for Romney, along with Wisconsin due to the success Scott Walker has had despite three recall attempts, but gave up Michigan. I gave up New Hampshire as well. The East Coast is too close to Washington D.C. to get what really runs this country. And just to be generous, I gave up Nevada (though I expect a lot of Mormons to vote for Romney, I dont’ assume they are the majority of the state? But then again, there is Las Vegas values there too. So I just don’t want to assume.) Then I took Iowa as good mid-western state with sensible people and…

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Meeting Mitt and Ryan 2012

I’m excited about this political season. I think it’s going to be a huge election that once again changes the direction of our country. I think our President and the main stream media are in for a shock come November. I think “Chik-fil-a Day” was just a sneak-peek of what is coming on election day. Electing President Obama was good for America historically but disastrous economically. Not everyone will agree, but that’s fine. I’m assuming most of my readers are Right-leaning; for those who aren’t, that’s OK with me. That’s the great thing about America – we get to vote and settle things peacefully in the voting booth. I don’t mind people who disagree with me politically, and I have good friends who do. I actually enjoy spirited political conversations – the Arena of Ideas is exciting and engaging. What frustrates me to no end, though, are uninformed and disinterested citizens who either don’t vote or vote based on one issue. That is a almost a crime in my opinion. It is a waste of the lives that were sacrificed to provide the freedom to vote and participate in our political process. When people resort to insults or name calling…

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Chic-fil-a and Apple Computers

My eating at chic-fil-a today had NOTHING to do with my support for marriage being defined as that between a man and a woman, nor because I oppose gay marriage. BUT BECAUSE I AM AN AMERICAN. If I ate somewhere because of my political positions, I would have to get rid of the MacBook Pro I am typing on, my iMac, my MiniMac, my MacBook Air, my iPhone, my iPad, my Apple TV, (even my Newton! LOL) and the countless Apple products my staff use and close my Christian non-profit business account I have with Apple who treats my Christian organization wonderfully giving me great discounts despite the very liberal (and often non-Christian political beliefs) of it’s owners, founders and probably a vast number of it’s employees. But they make excellent products. And this is America – the Land of the Free. Free to disagree with me. And free to create awesome products despite what we passionately believe religiously or politically. That is America! Have people FORGOTTEN THE TYRANNY our Founders FLED to found this country? Chic-fil-a should ALSO be free to make chicken, sell chicken and it’s owner have political views that are different than what some liberal Chicago…

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Happy Dependance Day

I watched the world unite last night as Will Smith blew up an alien space ship that came to destroy the earth! What a great flick that was fun to watch again after so many years. It took a threat from beyond our world in that movie to cause not only all political parties, but all nations to set aside their differences and unite against a common enemy. In our current political climate, I wonder if even aliens could distract us from the current strife that besets us. Times are troubling – and I’m not one that believes we ought to just all hold hands and sings Kum-Baya. I do believe the very future of our Great Nation hangs in the balance with this next election – but on this 4th of July, I won’t take the time to point out how or why as I suspect most my readers share mu values and concerns, and agree that while we ought to be engaged as citizens of this Great Nation – and try our best our turn back the tide toward what our founding fathers intended… As a Christian, I am also a citizen of another Great Kingdom. And so…

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