Luke is Growing Up So Fast!

At the Kidology To Go conference yesterday, as usual, I had people bummed I didn’t bring Luke to the event and then asking to see pictures and videos of him. I realized that I have not made a “Luke Video” since Easter 2006, and when I showed that one on screen during a break, I had to say, “Well, that’s when he was a baby… he’s almost two now.” I’ve posted lots of short videos of him on my blog, but it was time for an update!

Since I’m alone this evening and missing my little boy (and Sara too!) I took a walk through iPhoto selecting some of my favorite pictures of Luke – and was amazed at how much he has grown up, just since he turned one, and one and a half….

So here is a video update of Luke from after his birthday to this month… all pictures in order of age, so you can see him growing up… all too fast.

Mommy and Lukie: I MISS YOU!

I’ll see you soon!

UPDATE: Here is a picture of Luke a few days later… watching the video of himself, he loves to watch it!



  1. Karl, This was wonderful. Too bad you didn’t have any good pictures to choose from. Nicely done with the music too. I noticed one of the pictures I took of you two in the lawn hammock. I also noticed his golden locks cut cut in the last picture. Yes, he is growing up. He will be the next Techno Wizard for children’s ministry, by age five. Well, what can we say, he is, after all, the son of the MAN. I am a FAN.

    Thanks for sharing your pride and joy. Well done, Barney

    P.S. I know, it’s because you have a MAC, right?

  2. Hi, dropped by through Glen’s blog. Great work Karl, enjoyed your posts so much. You got your kids heavily “blogged” too. Me also a convict. I’ll promise to be a FAN! – Rags

  3. Awwwww, I miss you guys so much. Bring Lukey Home!! Love you, Meepa

  4. Karl, I must admit that I was secretly holding out thinking that maybe Luke would come up on your last day here and my family would be able to meet him and your wife. I knew that would not happen when we were eating at Chiplotles and you had mentioned that your wife had been without a car the whole time you were with us.

    Now go and take your family out to run around. Have fun.

  5. What a special little man! He has grown up fast – it must be all the corn :) You should be so proud, he’s one of the cutest kids I ever seen!

  6. Karl,
    That was really cool! We have to get our famlies together or at least you and Sara and April and I and go out when you get back to the east or we go west.
    I had a great time at Chili’s too! and really appreciate you man!
    Have an awesome vacation! NO WORKING!!!

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