In honor of the Ultimate Blogger, Steve Tanner, I present to you my very own Trash Can photo mystery!
I actually thought these were the sharpest looking waste receptacles I’d ever seen! (If you think it is strange to blog trash cans, you’d be wrong.)
Karl, It would be my guess that they are from some well known visitor center or historical site in Virgina. Barney
Karl, How about the trash can at the Water Park USA in Williamsburg area? Barney
This trash can is from a rest area off of interstate 95. Probably between DC and Richmond. What do I get if I win?
Sure, take a couple photos of Disney trash cans and get stereotyped for life!
You captured the essence of garbage nicely. I would also initially guess that this is a rest area, based on the picnic tables and concrete paths. But then, looking at the windows, they are too nice to be any typical rest area, and the landscaping has not been destroyed by minivans full of kids running around… so a privately-owned visitor’s center of some sort would be my vote.
It was the first rest stop heading south from DC into VA. interestingly, the trash cans got uglier and uglier the farther away from DC you got, but i didn’t think to take pictures until the 4th stop when i realized the progression.
thanks for the guesses. for more trash can pictures, visit
No prizes?
You can now see even more trash cans at