I Dew Win!


I never win anything. Ever. Until today when I got a package from Mountain Dew! (actually New Media Strategies) They teamed up with BevReview.com for a Win Dew Stuff contest – all I had to do was comment on a post about Mountain Dew. (not too difficult!)

Next thing I know, I’ve won a hat, a flash drive and a cool light up pen.

My day is off to a good start!


  1. Congrats on winning some of the Mountain Dew swag! Thanks for jumping on the contest. Of course, now that Pepsi is changing the Dew logo, this stuff is going to be a collector’s item!

  2. Soooo… You are definetly not “off the stuff”. ha! Did you send them your blog about dew…. the song you made up a while ago?

  3. I dew win also!! Did your flash drive work?

  4. Shelly: Dew is my favorite soda. I’m no longer “on the stuff” like I once was. (when I had two full time jobs I was drinking 6-8 cans a day) But it is still my favorite drink. I’ll be going off soda again I’m sure a few months before Yosemite Summit like last year. I can’t stand the smell of coffee so Dew is my only caffeine drink.

    Brett: did yours not work? ill have to test mine!

  5. Nope, none of my computers could read it. But I still think it’s cool!

  6. Hey Karl,
    I won too! the pen is pretty sweet, the hat a bit tight for my fat head but the I’m glad the flash drive works.
    It feels so good to win!

  7. Hi, Karl,
    My flash drive works pretty good. I’ve got an interesting set up in my house which causes me to have to email my notes to myself so I can print them. But thanks to my fancy, tricked out Mt. Dew flash drive, I don’t have to do that anymore! :-)

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