The Ultimate Jesus Action Figure

The Ultimate Jesus Action Figure! A friend of mine made this, Cristopher Osorino, and sent me pictures. Y’all know I created and have DVD’s of Bible Stories told with action figures and newer ones on – but this was just so amazing. Here is his Here’s is hia “recipe” if anyone is willing to make me one: (Note the wounds on his hands and feet.) From Hasbro Marvel Legends: – Namor the Sub-Mariner (body) – Malekith (hair) From DC Multiverse – White Knight Azrael And the tunic he has I got from some old McFarlane figure from spawn or something. The fore there is from a power Rangers Sphinx but that’s just like, extra, not really necessary. The white night comes with a good flame already I just liked this one more. If someone wants to make this, I’ll pay for it!