ToyBoxTales has a NEW Site!

In case you haven’t heard, has been completely redesigned and improved!

You can now watch ALL the 101 ToyBox Tales instantly via embedded flash, no more need to download first. And for those who want the downloads for showing at church, they are now all available on one page. Free for members or directly on for a very nominal once-in-a-lifetime fee.

So jump over and check out the ALL NEW and enjoy some Bible stories like you’ve never seen them before!

Here are some of the most popular videos on the site:

The Crossing of the Red Sea

This is the one that started it all. Karl did this at camp in 2001 and the following summer the kids were still talking about it and asking him to do more “action figure Bible stories” – discovering that it was a powerful method for teaching, and since he already owned hundreds of action figures, ToyBox Tales was born!

Whatcha Got Cooking

This is the #1 downloaded/viewed video on the site. It is also the only one where Karl had to pull the video feed at the end because a hampster was stuck in the oven!

Beauty and the Beast

This is the #1 requested video Karl is asked to show at conferences when he offers to show a ToyBox Tale before a workshop. And no, the hamster is not trained or remote controlled, he is just a natural.

The Land of Moredough (or) Lord of the Things

This is the only tale on the site that was recorded live in front of an audience of all adults at the Kidology University. Seems adults are just big kids after all.

I’m Sorry Son

This is Karl’s favorite. It doesn’t mean its the best one – just that if you are a Star Wars fan, you’ll probably enjoy it the most. (There are at least 20 Star Wars themed Tales, depending on how you count them.)

There are several series on the site that are best viewed or shown to kids in order:

The Reign of the Dark Knight

This was the first series Karl did and there are high school kids that still quote lines from it! “Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, Who Stole My Bubble Gum!” This series is a powerful parable explaining the background to the Gospel. Not just what Jesus did, but why He had to die for our salvation.

Fruit of the Spirit

A classic and the #1 selling ToyBox Tales DVD. Roy, the Boy of Joy and The Lover Man are two that people mention as their all time favorite ToyBox Tale when they meet Karl.

The Adventures of Panakin Skyhopper

This is what you get when you cross Star Wars with the story of Joseph – though not sure just how Mr. T. got in there!

The Lord of the Kings

This powerful series covers the book at Acts like no other ever has. Starts with Easter and ends with a missionary message to go into all the world. The Enemy of My Enemy is Karl’s favorite.

The Game Show Series

These can be shown independantly, but were done three weeks in a row. Each has a unique and important message to kids: Choosing Jesus as your hero, Choosing your words carefully, and your destination (salvation).

Kermit on Location

While Kermit introduces the vast majority of the ToyBox Tales, this is the only series that was not filmed live in front of children’s church. They are fully edited videos that therefore feature sound fx and other effects not possible in a live presentation. Probably the most difficult was filming live at local McDonald’s with a crowd of people watching the entire time!


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