Quite Times Break Out Everywhere!
Wouldn’t it be great to start getting reports from parents that children in your church were starting to have Quiet Times all on their own?
Imagine hearing that your students were carving out special places in their closets, lofts, or backyards club houses and scheduling when they were going to meet with God!
It has happened to me many times over! I’ve even had kids draw me pictures of their “top secret” places where they meet with God.
And you must know, these meetings have life-long, even eternal results!
But they don’t happen without INTENTIONAL and PRACTICAL training!
That is why I have written HOW TO MEET WITH GOD.
I urge you to make this next installment of DiscipleTown a part of your disciple-making strategy and work it into your educational plan for Kid’s Church.
During this unit, your kids will learn tried-and-true techniques for enjoying a personal “Quiet-Time” with God so that they can learn how to deepen their friendship with God. Next, they will learn how to enjoy His company throughout the day and how to call on Him in times of need. Meeting with God is something we can do in a focused “Quiet Time,” but it is also something we can do anytime we want to experience the presence and power of God in our daily lives.