By friend Glen Woods asked this question over in the Kidology forums recently. And I think its a great question.
Here was my answer:
I think facebook has hurt blogs as I think people have gotten Internet-lazy. They just stay on facebook and don’t move around the web as much, however, I think a blog can still get traffic if done well. I read blogs, but focus on ones that are consistent (like yours, Glen) and solid content (also like yours).
If you want to get FB readers, you MUST install a Facebook “like” button and ‘like’ your own posts so they will appear on your wall so people who follow you on Facebook will see you blogged and hop over and read your blog.
RSS Readers (Like Bloglines/Google Reader) are less used today (I think) by the general public, as they were once how blogs were read.
Tablet readers are now stronger, like Flipboard, and I read a lot of blogs that way, and through Twitter feeds, so be sure to Tweet your blog posts through hashtags like #kidmin #leadership etc. as that will drive traffic.
Bottom line: Do people visit blogs directly today? No. Do they read them? Yes, but mostly because they are driven there by other means, so you need to drive people to your blog, and then try to get them to like it enough to create a way to get your content more regularly.
If you want to be read, you need to work at it. You can no longer just post and assume it will be read.
What do you think?
(Hey, prove to me you read MY blog by commenting!) LOL
I read blogs and left my comment in Kidology in this thread you are making mention of.
Speaking of mention, did I mention I blog as well at ;~)
I consistently read blogs through google reader still. I categorize them and read (okI will admit sometimes skim) tons of GREAT Kidmin info in a short period of time that people like you post on their blogs. I always enjoy reading and learning more about ministry, yet I rarely comment. There are still some of us around :)
Ashley, do YOU have a blog?
Todd, not only do I love your blog, but I really love your twitter feed, @TMcKeever which leads me to a lot of great blogs.
Thanks so much for the mention, Karl! I did not expect the post to generate so much activity. I am learning much from the contributors as they share their ideas. I especially appreciate how you bless others by calling attention to their efforts and products.
Thanks, Glen. I enjoy your blog. My blog benefits from traffic from – yet I’ve not been able to crack the comment puzzle. I see a lot of blogs that get a lot of comments, and I rarely get comments, so I try to comment on other blogs often, but I see I am often the only commenter. I think people move fast, read and leave, and don’t give feedback. I wish there was more commenting as I know from my experience how much it encourages the blogger to blog more.
I like to use my blog to shine the spotlight I have on others, thanks for noticing that.
I have a blog but I am not very consistent with posting on my blog. I do read lots of blogs in my Google Reader. I subscribe to lots of different types of blogs–kidmin, crafting, home management, shopping/saving money, personal friends blogs, etc. I like blogs!