Oh, You Sexy Document!

Sexy Document

Let’s be honest, “Document Management” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of excitement. But in our digital age, where files are constantly emailed back and forth, edited by multiple people, and frequently updated, effective document management is essential. Without it, things can quickly spiral into chaos – and nobody wants that. That’s why the 6th video in my Ministry Management series is Master Your Documents! (No More Chaos!). This video will help you bring order to the madness. We’ve all felt the frustration of searching for the latest version of a file or losing important work due to computer errors. But did you ever notice that the letters in the word LIFE can be rearranged to spell FILE? Sometimes, it feels like managing documents is all we do! Without a solid strategy, managing countless virtual files can be overwhelming. In this training, I’ll cover how to organize your files effectively and keep them on T.A.S.K. (a strategic approach to managing your ideas). I’ll also dive into the S.A.F.E. method, which outlines four key strategies for protecting your valuable documents and ideas. Plus, you’ll learn a unique document naming protocol (Oooo, doesn’t that sound sexy?!) that…

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Check-in Without Lines?

Imagine computer check-in without computers! Imagine secure check-in without lines. Sound impossible? Not any more. Thanks to the always innovating geniuses at KidCheck, secure check-in is getting even easier. As you can tell by the related links below, I’ve been an avid supporter and promoter of KidCheck for years. I love how they are always innovating to make child security easier and more effective each year. While other systems provide the basics – KidCheck continues to add features and benefits that not only provide a pick-up label, but improve communication between parents, volunteers, and leaders. AND NOW… (wait for it) … They have introduced Express Check-in. That means parents can check-in on their smart phone in the parking lot or while walking it, come to your check-in area, hit “PRINT” and be on their way to dropping off their kiddos without every standing in line or typing into a computer. Learn all about KidCheck Express Check-in Here. As I mentioned on my podcast today, the safety of kids is of the utmost importance to parents. When you have a secure check-in area, you score points with parents who want to have the peace of mind that their child is not…

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Get a Cue! (and other recommended Apps)

If you are looking for a simple and kinda cool way to get an overview of your day – and doing some planning for the year, I just stumbled upon a cool new App you might enjoy. It is called Cue, and it links you calendar, contacts, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, or whatever accounts you might want to link into a single simple view of your appointments and events for the day. It’s a pretty slim and sleek way to see what’s important for the day. Also discovered, is a free Office App called CloudOn – integrates with DropBox. Looks very powerful and helpful. Worth a look! If you have found some great new apps for 2013, let me know in comments below! My favorite GAME is Air Wings! If you are in Game Center, my username is Kidologist, friend me, and I’ll blow you out of the sky! I look forward to playing you, or hearing what awesome apps you plan to use to help you be more productive or successful in 2013!

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In Case of Fire…

My sister posted this to my Facebook Wall. For some odd reason, it made her think of me… My reply was: No way! You’ve got to tweet it, post twitpic images, update your Facebook status, check into Four Square friends to see if any of your friends are in the building too, post a video of the fire to YouTube and do a blog post discussing your thoughts on the cause of the fire and the general lack of safety in the building, and THEN exit! But it did make me laugh, (and think). Truth me told, I might try to pull off a tweet on my way out of the building. (If I could do so safely, of course! And if I could do so without endangering anyone else, of course!) But do we tweet and facebook too much? Certainly! I sometimes wonder if when Jesus returns, Christians will miss it because they will all be looking down at their cell phones Tweeting: Jesus is here! #secondcoming Betcha wish you’d accepted Him? #heaven #hell #salvation #toolate #John316 Jesus will be yelling, “Hey! Look up! I’m here, time to put the cell phones down!” Ten bucks, there is no Internet…

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Does Anyone Read Blogs Any More?

By friend Glen Woods asked this question over in the Kidology forums recently. And I think its a great question. Here was my answer: I think facebook has hurt blogs as I think people have gotten Internet-lazy. They just stay on facebook and don’t move around the web as much, however, I think a blog can still get traffic if done well. I read blogs, but focus on ones that are consistent (like yours, Glen) and solid content (also like yours). If you want to get FB readers, you MUST install a Facebook “like” button and ‘like’ your own posts so they will appear on your wall so people who follow you on Facebook will see you blogged and hop over and read your blog. RSS Readers (Like Bloglines/Google Reader) are less used today (I think) by the general public, as they were once how blogs were read. Tablet readers are now stronger, like Flipboard, and I read a lot of blogs that way, and through Twitter feeds, so be sure to Tweet your blog posts through hashtags like #kidmin #leadership etc. as that will drive traffic. Bottom line: Do people visit blogs directly today? No. Do they read them?…

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