If you live on the East Coast – you need to bookmark engagechildren.org and plan on attending next fall. (In fact, it is worth a drive or flight in, from anywhere.)
This conference is put on by a local network, but it obvious after several years of practice, they know what they are doing. They had nearly 400 attendees there – and a great mix of leaders WITH their volunteer teams. One church I sat with at lunch was a group from a nearby church that brought the whole CM team, and one volunteer wouldn’t even let a five month old baby keep her or her husband away. That tells you something about both their commitment to children’s ministry and the quality of the conference.
Another woman shared with me that she was ready to quit – but after attending this conference, she was encouraged to keep on and never give up, no matter how hard ministry was. They brought in top-notch speakers (like Sue Miller from PromiseLand and Orange) but also local practitioners who could relate to your common kidmin leader and volunteer.
The fellowship was as great as the training. I was a late addition because I just wanted to come and check out the conference and they graciously added on a few extra workshops for me – and I had a wonderful time equipping and encouraging those who I got to interact with. But I attended workshops as well, and had a BLAST, as you can see quite literally from this YouTube Video:
I just wanted to both encourage my readers to consider attending this conference if it is in your geographical range – and also encourage those who put it on. WAY TO GO! The Kidology Team has done MANY conferences, and I know how much work goes into these. While I had a staff who worked very hard to put on many Kidology University conferences over a ten year period, the Engage Children Conference is put on completely by volunteers, so they deserve a special appreciation for all that they did behind the scenes to bless all those who attended over the weekend. My hat is off to them!
Thanks for investing in those who minister to kids! I know you are exhausted right now, but you impacted the Kingdom in a BIG way this weekend!
I second all of that. So blessed to have been a part of it! Thanks to all who coordinated it and made it all possible.