IMAKIDMIN – Connecting Kidmins Locally

Now there is an easy and uniquely visual way for you to connect with others in children’s ministry who live near you. You’ve long been able to interact with your “kidmin” peers in the free Forums or on sites like CM Connect, but a discussion forum doesn’t easily help you know where people live – and more importantly, who lives near YOU! But now, Micheal Chanley, the same mega-networker and innovator who created CM Connect has done it again, this time creating, a site specifically designed to help those in children’s ministry find who lives near them. And like CM Connect, it is completely free to the users. You can list yourself on the main map page, but also on the blog page, twitter page and facebook page too. Eventually there will be individual maps for each state as the population of the site grows, a few states have already been launched. HOWEVER – I’m most excited to announce an IMAKIDMIN KIDOLOGY PAGE where Kidology Members can list themselves so that Kidology Folks can network and find out where each other live as well. Here is a cool historical image of what the Kidology Imakidmin Map looked like…

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What Matters Now in Children’s Ministry

What happens when 33 children’s ministry thinkers are asked the question, “What Matters NOW in Children’s Ministry and given only 200 words to answers?” THIS FREE e-Book (Download 2.5MB PDF) Thank you to Henry Zonio for including me in this project as well as Matt Guevara, Amy Dolan for their hard work on it and Imago for their incredible design work which was donated. A print version will be available June 14th to help offset the costs of this beautiful and thought provoking contribution to the world of Children’s Ministry. If you are a Twitterer, be sure to follow @cmwhatmatters in order to be the first to learn of planned upcoming project related to this release. Use the hashtag #WMNkidmin when you tweet about it! I enjoyed reading all the contributions and found each thought provoking and challenging. The word I chose was: RELATIONSHIPS Long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever. (Psalm 119:152) The most incredible aspect of Creation was that God walked in the garden with the crown of His creation. They had a relation-ship with God that sin severed: ending a fellowship we can only imagine. For centuries, that relationship became…

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Tweeting With An Atheist

O.K., I’d like to follow up on my post yesterday, Had the F-Bomb Dropped On Ya Lately, with a sample of how I witness via Twitter. I’ll admit, I don’t often do this with my @Kidologist account, I have a less “public”  persona I usually do this with, (as I also do for getting political) as people sometimes get offended by politics or witnessing and I like to protect Kidology from “the man” behind Kidology sometimes! (Since some people have a hard time separating the two!) Anyway – recently I got to witness to an atheist – and I get jazzed when I have a positive encounter. Now, that doesn’t mean I converted him, it means I had an encounter where I didn’t offend him! Because I believe many Christians do harm to Christ by be offensive in their witness. Granted, some will say, the Gospel is by nature offensive – I understand that, sinners are by definition in rebellion against God, but that doesn’t mean we need push them further away by being obnoxious! Anyway, since this conversation happened on my well known Twitter account, @Kidologist, I thought I’d go ahead and preserve it here, and also break it…

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Had the F-Bomb Dropped on Ya Lately?

Been enjoying some interesting conversation over on twitter. I can’t quote it because it involves the F-bomb – but some non-believers ended up being followed by the @Kidology twitter account probably due to using some key words such as “kids” and “church” in the same tweet – and ended up tweeting about how “sick” we were for “brain washing” kids and “making a business” out of it. As I tried to engage one of these folks, just to apologize and let them know we’d ‘unfollow’ them, we eneded up getting into a public conversation about God, atheism and the pointlessness of prayer, etc. One of them (not the one who dropped the F-bomb) claims to be a “well adjusted free thinking atheist.” Not sure what she is “well adjusted” from. Perhaps, adjusted from life without God, since she mentioned giving up on God 30 years ago since He never answered her prayer. Made me sad. I wonder what she prayed for? I also wonder what she is free of? She mentioned be guilt-free? That also made me sad. I don’t know if some Christians have imposed guilt on her for sins they see in her life or some life-style overlooking…

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Number One Blogging Rule

OK, I haven’t had time to blog, so I thought I would just blog my #1 blogging pet peeve. You should never, under ANY circumstance blog about how you’ve not had time to blog. That is a waste of a blog post. If you have nothing blog about, then simply don’t blog. Better not to blog that waste precious Internet space with some lame pointless blog post about nothing. It’s a waste of your time and a waste of everyone else’s time to blog about how you have nothing to blog about. Just thought I’d put that out there since I have nothing to blog about. RT w/

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