A Little Peace and Quiet

Silent Night… Holy Night… All is calm… Draw near to gaze… Come and Worship… Saints before the alter bending… Rejoice, with heart and soul and voice… O tidings of comfort and joy… this Holy tide of Christmas doth bring redeeming grace… the world in solemn stillness lay… O hush the noise, ye men of strife… O rest beside the weary road… How still we see thee lie… deep and dreamless sleep… Fall on your knees… the Spirit felt its worth… one seems to hear words of good cheer from everywhere filling the air… (all these words are from Christmas Carols) DO THESE PHRASES DESCRIBE YOUR CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION? December used to be the busiest month of the year for me. From church events to personal parties and performing at other people’s events to… I don’t know what all. But by News Years Day I was so exhausted “Peace on Earth” seemed a distant memory. This year I am slowing December down. My calendar is mostly empty and I will be keeping close to home and just relaxing and taking it much slower. We are planning to have a Christmas Hour every day where we do just a little something as a…

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Reach for the Water

Sometimes a pictures says it best… Just wanted to share my current wallpaper which captures my son’s love for water. (click image for full size 876 kb) If I was ever stranded in the desert with no water, but had Luke with me, I’d be O.K. I’d just follow him! If there is any source of water… he can find it! He is drawn to water like a deer… wait, isn’t there a Bible verse about longing for water?  As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? Psalm 42:1-2 I pray that I would be as drawn to the Lord as my son is to water. After all, Jesus is better than water,  He is the Living Water!  “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” John 7:37-39  Jesus is the Living Water who walked among us. “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him…

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We Found Heaven! In Mundelein!

NOTE: Click on any image to view full screen! As I have posted before, LUKE LOVES WATER! So we were delighted to just learn of a “Spray Park” only a few miles away this week! When we looked at it online, we knew Luke would be absolutely beside himself with delight when we got there! So when I woke Luke up in the morning and we did our usual talk about the plans of the day, I told him we discovered heaven, and it’s in Mundelein, and it only costs $2 to get in! It became our joke of the day that I repeated over and over and over, “we found heaven! and it’s in Mundelein! and it only costs $2 to get in!” And we were right! HE LOVED IT! (Dad loved it too) Since we don’t live in Mundelein, we pay double… but no complaints here! But we are a little envious of Mundeleinians who only have to pay $1 to get into heaven! We may just have to sell the house and move to save $1 every time we go here! We’ve already been there twice, and that’s $6 we could have saved if we sold our…

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Please Forgive Me (free song)

Today I want to post a FREE SONG from my church’s worship pastor, as well as part of an e-mail he sent out to introduce it. Worship, Prayer and Healing by Mark Chaffee Worship is who we are. Worship is what we do. We were MADE to worship. It is not something we can turn on and off like a water faucet, rather it flows from us like an untamable river. The only control we posses is in who or what we choose to worship at any particular time. Scripture abounds with encouragement of only worshipping the one true living God. Romans 1 talks of how people have “…exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.” (v. 25) The same is true of us today. At any given moment we could be worshipping ourselves, our possessions, time, job, money, family, friends, or any other “created” thing. If our focus is not on God, but something else, then in that moment we are placing the created above the creator. Wow, that is tough, isn’t it? In fact, I know of only one person who has ever been able to keep God…

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Let God Take Care of the World

My dad sends links like my grandma used to send newspaper clippings. Today he sent me a link to a short article and interview with Brian Doerksen. He is asked why he isn’t well known when he has been involved with over 25 worship albums, and his answer is: ‘When I first felt called to do this more than 20 years ago, I wanted to perform music on big stages. But God quickly called me to be all about worship, which is really, “Notice God, don’t notice me.” ‘ While I love his attitude, he rips a little on well-known worship leaders. The reality is, we, as a culture, can only “know” so many people, and we get saturated. Plus, he’s in Canada! (j/k) I just hope he isn’t assuming those who are well known are less spiritual just because they are well known. Being well known isn’t a sin. Godly people can be well known, and they aren’t less godly just because lots of people appreciate them or their ministry. What matters is the heart either way. I am very thankful for Jeremy Riddle, Jeramy Camp, Lincoln Brewster, Mercy Me, and even the Newsboys, and I worship deeply through…

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