If Yosemite is God’s best, Cedar Point is Man’s

If Yosemite is God’s best…. then Cedar Point is man’s best display of how we have harnessed God’s natural laws and the creativity he gave us and made: Roller Coasters. Yes, Roller Coasters are man’s cheif creation. Since the Tower of Babel man has always desired to go higher and faster… and nothing demonstrates man push for speed than the roller coaster. Sure, race cars and airplanes (and rockets) are faster, but they also have practical purposes: transportation and shipping. Only the roller coaster was built (at the cost of millions of dollars) simply for the pleasure of pushing the common man’s human limits. When we strap ourselves into these wood or metal machines we are saying we want to experience what we were not created to experience in our day to day life – height and speed are were not given to us – but the creativity to think of what does not yet exist and the intellectual ability to make it exist is one of the greatest gifts God gave us when He made us in His image. Forgive me for getting too philosophical about Roller Coasters – but they are one of my favorite things – and…

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Final Day in Yosemite…

I was kinda sad leaving, and yet grateful for four days of perfect gorgeous weather, lots of fun animal sightings, and plenty of awesome opportunities for photography. Probably my favorite part about being here is trying to capture in new or unique ways images that have been seen through millions of cameras for over a hundred years. Rather than just ‘Ooo, that’s pretty!’ point and shoot, I try to find a different way to capture it. Anyway, I try. :) The Tunnel is Calling… My first adventure of the day was something that I am sure few people do. In the middle of the long drive in there is a tunnel through a mountain that is extreeeeemely long. The first day through, about in the middle, I looked off the side facing the valley wondering if I would see what I hoped would be there – YES! Toward the middle there is a tunnel, a man-made cave that leads straight out to the side of the mountain. (Often built for air, and for an emergency exit if the ends of the tunnel were to collapse) I declared that first day that I must climb through that dark cave and see…

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Yosemite Sam, er, Karl!!

It was our third day in Yosemite – and I hit the trails so much I am sore this morning! But I have discovered that you haven’t experienced Yosemite until you get out of the car, off the main roads, and up into the hills, it gets even better! I have pictures at home of me on this sign as a kid! Met some monks from Burma along the way. My first destination was, of course, Inspiration Point. Sara trusted me to climb up into the rocky cliffs in search of inspiration. (There was enough inspiration for her just overlooking the Tunnel View, the #1 photographed spot in the park – it is breathtaking enough!) Not sure if I got to the Inspiration Point, but I did get to the point where I was inspired. The trail was hard to follow, and I think I finally lost it… (or it went off a cliff and was a mean trick!) So after that, I had to forge my own trail, going where no hiker has ever gone before. (I hope!) Me right before the log fell thousands of feet to the valley below! Back in the valley, we enjoyed walking around.…

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Yosemite Continued….

Another amazing day at Yosemite… How anyone who comes here doesn’t believe in God is beyond me… Hint at my plans for tomorrow… NOW FOR THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY… Was it the mountains? The waterdfalls? The vast vistas or rolling meadows? The gift shop? NO! I had an adventure with a WILD BEAST!!! To believe it, you have to see it, so I made a video, download here. (7.3 MB, QuickTime) PLEASE COMMENT and let me know what you think of it! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT!

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The Greatest Place on Earth!

Disneyland may claim to be the ‘Happiest Place on Earch’ (which is debateable with all the crying kids you see there), but YOSEMITE is definately the Greatest PLACE on Earth, and the happiest for me. I think in my entire childhood, other than the day I went to see the first Star Wars movie, Yosemite had the biggest impact on my life. (And that’s not counting be attacked by a bear last time I was here, but that’s a post for another day) One our way into Yosemite Valley The driving is spectacular (if not frightening). The vistas are breath taking – they make the Oregon Coast look like ant hills and pebbles. It is simply impossible to completely describe or photograph Yosemite. If you have never been here, you must before you die. Make it your goal in life! When you get here, you’ll say, “Wow, Karl was right!” First thing I did in Yosemite? Throw a snowball! We were very surprised to find snow on the way in, and lots of it in some places. We were only in the park for three hours today, but drove in rain, hail, light snow, and under clear blue skies with…

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