Big Brother Chauffeurs Little Brother…

Well, yesterday was a pretty special day. My little brother Jordan got married to a beautiful and sweet girl who became the second Kelly Bastian in the family. Me and the PK Cruiser got to play Chauffeur for the day!

PK and the PK Cruiser, now for hire for Weddings.

Last bachelor pic of Jordan before the Wedding.
Pastor/Uncle Greg praying for their new life together.

Off to the reception, Big Bro at the wheel.

Proud Big Brother with best rear view ever.

Nothing makes a bride like a cool car in the background.

The question is, will the storm trooper make the wedding album?

Oh, how lovely. Is that dress getting dirty??

That’s my bro! (and the newest Mrs. Bastian)

I also had the honor of producing a wedding video (on my Mac!) for the wedding reception dinner. If you would like to see it, you can either send $49.95 plus shipping and handling* for a DVD or you can just download it here:

QuickTime Small (15MB)
QuickTIme Medium (48MB)
* that was a joke. Any family can request a DVD.


Karl Bastian is the founder of, the creator of, and the author of His personal website is He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. Way to go “Mac”. They are always faithful. Glad you could enjoy your brothers wedding.

  2. Mr. and Mrs. Pipsqueak

    Where are the rest of the pictures!? We would like to request a photo gallery so we can put them on my laptop :) Thanks for everything bro. Cancun is awesome!

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