The Wordless Book UPDATED!

A FUN, new, simple way to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus using just 8 colors!

This colorful Gospel presentation originated with Charles Spurgeon in 1866, was updated by the great evangelist D.L. Moody in 1875 to later be popularized by Child Evangelism Fellowship in the 1950’s.

It’s time for an update featuring new colors, added humor and racial sensitivity for a new era of sharing the Good News.

The timeless message of the Gospel is ready for a new generation of kids!

This amazing little booklet is printed on a single side page of standard paper, folded, and with a small cut transforms into a tiny booklet that can be carried in a pocket ready to share the Good News on a moments notice!

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

Train and equip your kids to be ready to give an answer for the hope that they have whenever the opportunity arises!



or purchase in the Kidology Store for only $20.00 license for unlimited printing* (COMING SOON)


Pastor Karl explains The Gospel Colors:

The Yellow Reminds us of Heaven and God’s Plan for our life. He created us to have a friendship with Him.
The Blue reminds us that “everybody ‘blew’ it.” We have all disobeyed God and broken our friendship with Him. The Bible calls that sin.
 The Grey represents the darkness that we are in because of sin. It hides God from us and keeps us from enjoying the life that God intended for us.
The Purple reminds us that God loved us so much, He sent us His Son. He came from heaven to earth, the Prince of Peace to bring us back into friendship with God.
The Red reminds us that Jesus came and after teaching about God, died and shed His blood for us. He died the death that we deserve because of our sin.
The White reminds us of the forgiveness that we can have when we ask Jesus to be our Savior and Lord. We are made clean and brand new.
Orange you glad that Jesus came? Orange you glad that Jesus died for you? Orange you going to ask Him to be your Savior? I sure hope so!
Green reminds me that after we become friends with God, we need to grow! We grow by praying, reading our Bible and going to church to be with others who know and love God.

ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED for All Access Members or with the Store Download (COMING SOON)


PRINTABLE PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS for All Access Members or with the Store Download  (COMING SOON)

PLUS! Screen images to use for training your kids and leaders!

READY TO REACH KIDS WITH THE GOOD NEWS and train them to share the Gospel with their friends?

All Access Members Download Here
or purchase in the Purchase in the Store (COMING SOON)

*unlimted use within the local church ministry who made the purchase

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