WHOA! Check out these trucks!

Just a quick blog post – been too sick to do much other than the essentials, and I’ve got more ‘essentials’ than I need! (probably why I haven’t gotten better in over a week!) but to keep the blog alive, and to cut back on all the ‘when you gonna blog’ emails, here are some amazing photos of some very creative semi-truck paint jobs… I’m impressed! My only suspicion, is that in each picture the street stripes and wall and trees are exactly the same. I thought, well, maybe it is the location where the guy paints them, I mean some people have an interstate in their back yard, don’t they? But in the next one, the background was made to be a blurr as though taken while moving, but the tree and stripes are still exactly the same. HMMMMMM…… So, are these for real or what? I sure hope so, or I will be very disappointed! UPDATE: OK, one of my faithful blog readers just e-mailed me their grandkids on the same truck, with this quote: “Karl…couldn’t resist sending this along to you…that truck sure gets around…this one has our youngest grandson on the back panel and he is…

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What a RUSH! (AFL = Alternate Football League)

Well, I’m sure most people are bloggin’ abou the Super Bowl this evening – we watched and enjoyed a good game and food with friends over – but since I was a fan of neither team, nothing much to say about it, (other than that one guy on the Steelers needs a haircut really bad, maybe now he can afford one.) While the Bears let us down this season (but made it to playoffs at least) – they are not the only football team in town! That’s right, there is always the AFL (Arena Football League) which I’m more a fan of now than the NFL – since I’ve been to twice as many games as NFL. (AFL-2, NFL-0) The Chicago Rush are our team. (though at the time of this posting, their site is down!) Their opening is a lot of fun – flames! fireworks! cheerleaders! (ok, forget the cheerleaders, sharp elbow from Sara) but they do a great job at setting the tone for the game… I mean, how can they possibly lose after that intro! Shhhhh! Don’t tell the fire marshall the flames nearly reach the roof! If you aren’t familiar with Arean Football – it is…

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Pie in the Face!

It is a commonly known fact among children’s pastors that sooner or later you are going to end up with pie in your face. If not figuratively, then literally! Sunday was a super fun day in Kid’s Church! Our Virtue of the Month for January was “Resourcefulness” defined as “Using what you have to get the job done.” We decided to spend the month planning a ‘block party’ in Kids Church, but not spending money – using what we had to get the job done. The room was filled with fun games that were all fun but simple games using stuff from around the house. Shooting straws at targets, paper airplanes, rubber bands and Styrofoam cups, etc. Even bowling with a hamster in his hamster ball. (download video!) But the kids favorite, of course, was “Throwing a Pie at Pastor Karl!” In order to get throw at pie at their beloved pastor, they had to get a ‘Pie Throwing Ticket’ by bringing something to the block party – food, decorations, games, etc. It was a messy, but lots of fun: BEFORE: DURING: AFTER: The 2nd favorite booth for the kids was HAMSTER BOWLING!! (Don’t worry, no hamsters were harmed in…

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CPC "Pastor Karl Awards" Continued….

The “PASTOR KARL AWARDS” Continue with with Day #2 and #3…. MOST AWESOME KIDOLOGY MEMBER / FAN: Shelly, a devoted fan and super encouraging Kidology member, (aka, “The Kidologist Stalker“) brought me a DEW! NO WHERE in all of WDW can you buy anything made by Pepsi! First she saved half of her last Dew for me, which I was rationing out in table spoons, and then she drove out of WDW to get me a whole six pack! That definately makes Shelly the cooest Kidology Member ever! While she may be one of the craziest and spaztic people I know, she is also an awesome children’s pastor as I discovered when I did a Kidology To Go seminar at her church in October 2005. GO SHELLY! BEST CARTOON VERSION OF ONES SELF: If you go to Rob Biagi’s booth, this is the banner above his booth. I wanted to see how accurate the cartoon of him is… what do you think?? I can barely tell them apart! BIGGEST RIP OFF: A littel game here: This total of $18.72 in the Coranado Spring restaurant was for what: a) Three Cokes b) A rip-eye steak and Coke c) Hamburger, Fries and…

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CPC Orlando – Day #1 – Introducing the "Pastor Karl Awards"

As DAY #1 of CPC Orlando comes to a close, I’d like to give out a few impromptu awards here on PastorKarl.com BEST CHILDREN’S PASTOR T-SHIRT: WINNER: Scott Philips Kidology member and contributor to the site. BEST PARENTS @ CPC! (?) WINNER: Rob and Kathleen Biagi ( www.robbiagi.com ) Notice the baby sleeping next to the doll in the suitcase! I hope they poked some holes in it for the flight to Orlando! MOST LIKELY TO GET ARRESTED: WINNERS: These Kidology fans showed up with a marshmellow gun and proudly showed the ticket Epcot security gave them…. for ‘having too much fun.’ COOLEST BOOTH GAME: WINNER: Nitro Kids Show! ( www.nkshow.com ) This is a great concept, basketball on the head. I have an inflatable version, but this is cool – helmet and goggles! It is easy to see who is ‘a head’ in this game! But heads are gonna roll if it goes bad! Talk about losing your head in a situation! Ok, enough puns, time to move ahead… BEST DRESSED: WINNER: Lisa Welchelor…. MOST LIKELY TO WEAR THE SAME OUTFIT AS THE LAST CPC: WINNER: Lisa Welchel AND Karl Bastian. Yes, this picture is from my meeting Lisa…

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