Making Missions Minded Friends

I’ve had a heart for missions since I was a young boy and my mom told our children’s church the story of Amy Carmichael. Since then I’ve been to Honduras, Mexico, the Philippians, Hungry, Austria, Germany, France, England, Whales, Spain, and elsewhere doing some kind of mission work, usually children’s ministry related, and I am the son of a former Missions Pastor at Moody Church who is now a director of something or other (I can’t keep track of his titles) at OCI in Colorado Springs… BUT even with all these rubs with missionary work, I have to admit my ignorance that there has been a Children’s Missions Movement steadily advancing the cause of encouraging and supporting the effort to introduce children to missions and help churches with missions education for the past twenty years. This losely structured group of missions minded people have met periodically over the years with a fluid collection of individuals coming together to evaluate where we are in introducing missions to kids and educating churches in how to promote world missions within the local church, as well as to evaluate what resources are available, and what is still needed. I will be writing a Kidology…

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Super Bowl Cake is a Winner, Even if the Bears Aren’t!

I know that all of ChicagoLand is depressed and that Jeff Bradley is going to give me a hard since my Bears let me down after all of our instant messaging “trash talk”… I don’t think I dare turn on iChat for a few days… we were really going at it the last few days, and now he gets to gloat and say “I told you so” instead of me. But if the Bears didn’t shine, my wife did! So rather than try to give any football commentary (and make a fool of myself) instead this blog’s purpose is simply to show off the AWESOME and AMAZING SUPER BOWL CAKE that my wife made for our Bears Party. And please, do leave her some comments… I know she’ll be checking! But is this an awesome cake or what?!?!?!? It should have been illegal to cut into it! Feast your eyes on this: (since only we got to actually feast on IT) PS: My sister will also instant message me a complaint if I don’t mention that SHE made the gummy team logos in the end zones. Pretty cool, eh?

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Slow Down. There is beauty that is often missed.

I was in Orlando last week for the Children’s Pastor’s Conference and will be posting more about that on, but I wanted to post some pictures from the Coranado Springs Resort where I stayed. But I have to tell you something about myself… I don’t take the usual pictures! I like to see what others walk right past. All of the pictures below (and it was hard to narrow down the ones I wanted to post) were taken right off the path at the resort. Behind a bush, down by the water, over a bridge, beside a building, etc. At my new slower pace of life I am taking more time to slow down and open my eyes to the beauty around me, and it was actually fun to be stopping and taking close up pictures of nature in a very ‘man-made’ place with people scurring past me in a hurry to get to the amusement park or other activities. Several times people stopped and asked, “What are you taking a pictures of?” surprised to see me kneeling or hunched over where there didn’t really appear to be anything worth the effort… but I think these pictures prove that…

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Happy First Birthday Luke!

YES! Luke had his very first Birthday! And after taking him into our home on April Fool’s Day we have been praying that his adoption would be final in time for his birthday…. well… we are excited to let you know that his adoption certificate and final adoption papers arrived just DAYS before his birthday, so God does answer prayer! “Mom” and “Dad” are no longer terms of hope… they are our new reality. Enjoy these birthday pics. Luke with his grandma, they are only 90 years apart in age!Here is Luke about to recieve his first Birthday Cake made lovingly by mom. (yes, he is dressed as as rodent again) First time having sugar! He seemed hesitant. What is this stuff? Checking his cute self out in the back of the Mikey balloon. Look at all those presents! Yes, spoiled already! Which one should I open first? Ah ha! I get this ribbon thing! Luke’s Micky Mouse Cake! (read his expression: “Get me OUT of this rodent outfit!”) Daddy did the blowing for Luke, but no need to make a wish, Luke IS the wish come true! This cake stuff isn’t bad! But he left plenty behind… we’re in…

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A Walk in the Garden of GOD

NOTE: All images in this post are clickable for wallpaper size. “Thou art the God of the early mornings, the God of the late at nights, the God of the mountain peaks… but my God, my soul has further horizons… higher than any mountain peak… Thou who art God of all these, be my God.” (Psalm 139) While I was in Colorado I got to take a day to do the one thing that “re-creates” me most deeply, spend time alone, with God, in nature, with only a camera and an iPod loaded with worship music….. ahhhhhhhh The place was “Garden of the Gods” but I prefer to call it the “Garden of God.” It’s a place I often visited as a young boy living in Colorado, so it was so nice to visit again decades later! There is just something powerfully refreshing to walk around a place that is so ageless, it somehow puts your life in perspective… God is not in a hurry. He takes his precious time to do His work, and it is always a master peice. The view from the highway heading in. I love to climb, but was not equipped to rope climb on…

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