Cool Kidmin Idea: The VIP Couch

This weekend, I got to visit the church of my good friend, Todd McKeever in Des Moines, Iowa. Their children’s ministry is wonderful.

I am always on the look out for super creative and original ideas that others may want to learn about. While there were many things I was impressed with, the coolest thing I got to both see and experience was the VIP Couch in their children’s church room.

In the front of the room they have a big couch. Guests (as well as the friend who brought them) are invited to sit on the couch for the entire service – but not only that, a child volunteers to serve them yummy snacks throughout the service. They can have as much as they want, with only two rules. They have to eat the snacks while on the couch (no stocking up and taking a bunch home) and they are asked not to eat during worship time.

It is a great way to honor guests, to give kids an incentive to invite a friend, and provides a way for another child to serve as they offer snacks throughout the service, any time they notice they are done. I assumed with no limit, the kids might pig out. But Todd reports that since they have to eat it there, most kids say they are good after only one or two items. I’d compare to ‘bottomless fries’ at Red Robin – while I rarely ask for a refill on my fries, and never ask more than once, the fact that I could keep asking leaves me feeling that they are so generous – even if I don’t actually take them up on the limitless fries.

Making kids feel welcome shows their value, and something like this not only encourages them to come again, but to bring a friend.

What are you doing to welcome guests and make them feel special? Whether you add a VIP Couch or come up with something else, be sure you are doing something to knock the socks off your visitors. I’d love to hear what you do!

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