The Star Wars Toy Quest Continues…

Well, the QUEST for new Star Wars Stuff is on…. the day began with what Darth Vader has for breakfast: Breakfast of Sith… Contemplating the Dark Side of Pop Tarts… Next, I managed to find the SNEAK PREVIEW figures… there were 4, but I proved NOT to be weak-minded, and only got one: Why are the bad guys always so cool? Still looking for someone to go with me on Frday night…

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Target WEAK in the Force!

OK, I went to Target, and found them to be very weak in the force. None of the employees even knew about the online ads and there was very little Star Wars stuff, and what there was (2 items) were few in number and spread out. I did pick up 2 big bags of M&M’s and a box of Pop Tarts: First Pop Tarts I’ve purchased in YEARS… good marketing works, I guess!The small print is quite funny on most of them: TO DOOKU: Watch where you’re pointin’ that things! TO TROOPER: A little round for a Stormtrooper, aren’t you?MORE EXCITING NEWS: I will be going to the MIDNIGHT TOYS R US OPENING in Vernon Hills on Friday, April 1st! I did this for Episode I and it was a TON of FUN! Not sure if this one will be the same, but at the first one (they didn’t do this for Episode II) I got there at 10 p.m. and 15th in line. By midnight there were HUNDREDS of people in line, ALL MEN (except for 2 brave women). I was only going to buy a few items, but when the doors opened I almost got stampeeded! I tried…

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Will You Fall for the Jedi Mind Trick!?

OK, this was just tooo funny. Blantant marketing, but so blantant, it was fun. Click on the Image. To send the link to friends (or foes) copy and paste this: BE SURE TO CLICK ‘NO’ ON THE FINAL SCREEN: I like the legal disclaimer… can you hear that in Darth’s voice?Of course, I will be going to Target for lunch today!! Weak Minded I must be!

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I Kid U Not…

Well, it’s hard to believe that KID U is over! What a FUN BUNCH OF DAYS! Friday, was the pre-conference, and WHAT A BLAST that was! Every presenter did a BANG UP AWESOME job at presenting the theme in their own creative way. We had an in-house contest to spur them all on… every Kidology staff member and volunteer that wasn’t presenting was given a ballot to choose who did the best job, they ALL did awesome, and the vote was close, but the Winner of the Most Incredible Presentation went to: Jamie Doyle and his magical presentation. He won an Incredibles DVD, Basketball, and Pez Dispenser. Not bad, eh?Saturday was KID U! We had over 250 people there all to be equipped and encouraged. Dave and Jody VanKley leading the opening session I taught workshops along with several other presenters. But my favorite thing of the day was meeting Monty the Python from Camp Timber-lee: How do you like my necklace? Monty made a great hat too! OK, maybe the snake wasn’t my favorite thing, but it was pretty cool. My favoirte part of the day is usually at the end when I like to treat the staff and…

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