A Happy Grace-Filled Easter to YOU!

Happy Resurrection Sunday… Hello Friends. Grace = Getting what we don’t deserve. (vs. Mercy = Not getting what we DO deserve!) That’s what this weekend is all about. It’s about the Grace God showed us by looking past our short-comings, our failures, and our imperfections… and loving us anyway. It’s about wanting us to be Family in spite of us. It’s about Him DYING to make us Family, even though we were wrapped up in ourselves and our needs. We’ve all got people in our lives (and families) and drive us nuts and who are wrapped up in themselves. People who have let us down. People who don’t deserve a second chance. People who don’t deserve forgiveness. People who are a “lost cause.” Christ was demonstrating for us what He expects of us by what He did for us. While WE were a lost cause, beyond hope, undeserving, selfish and wrapped up in OURselves – He died for us, and then did the biggest “come back” in His-Story to redeem us. We have no excuse to hold anyone at arm’s length or hold a grudge. Those who have truly experienced Grace, find it so much easier and natural to extend…

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What I’m Giving My Son For EASTER.

What am I giving my son for Easter? Of course he will get up and wonder where we have hidden his Easter Basket – and we will play our annual “Hot and Cold” game, just as my father and mother played with me and my sisters. “Your so cold your toes are gonna freeze and fall off!” “Getting warmer!” “Getting HOT!” “OUCH! You’d better put your shoes on you’re so hot!” “Oh, My! You need a pot holder you’re so HOT!” Soon the basket full of candy and goodies has been discovered, only to be told, “Oh, no! We gotta get ready for church! Hurry up! Where has the time gone!” But along with the candy and little toys, there was always a gift of spiritual significance. Something to return some meaning to all the secular hoopla and manages to sneak into our Christian holidays now-a-days. And this year, I am so excited that DiscipleLand has JUST the thing for young learners! It’s a brand new Bible Story Book – but it’s more than just a beautiful re-telling of Bible stories, it a parenting tool that helps intentional parents talk to their kids about the character traits our our Amazing…

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Love Worth Waiting For

Q: How do you talk to kids about the “mushy” topic of LOVE in an entertaining way they will enjoy? A: Play the Worth the Wait ToyBox Tale! This 9-minute Tale download doesn’t mention the word “Love” (or that “S” word), but it addresses the same issue… Waiting and not giving yourself away, so you won’t miss out on a great thing later. Download the optional “Love Worth Waiting For” lesson that works with this video for just $1 more! That’s right! I have RE-MASTERED this classic ToyBox Tale in HI-RES VIDEO so you can show it for Valentines Day! Kidology Members: $ .99 (The lesson’s already in the Zones) Everyone Else: $ 1.99 Want the Lesson Too? Add $1! CHECK IT OUT!

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Jimmy Jim Says TRY JESUS!

Don’t Like Green Eggs and Ham? Jimmy Jim says TRY JESUS! JESUS LOVE YOU! I’m Jimmy Jim! JESUS LOVES YOU! Will you accept Him? That Jimmy Jim! That Jimmy Jim! I do not like that Jimmy Jim! Do you know Jesus? Do you know Him? Would you like to accept Him? I do not want to be a Christian, Jimmy Jim! I do not want to accept Him! Would you accept him here or there? I would not accept him here or there. I would not accept him anywhere. I do not want to be a Christian. I will not accept him, Jimmy Jim. Would you accept him in a house? Would you accept him with a mouse? I will not accept Him in a house, I will not accept Him with a mouse. I will not accept Him here or there, I would not accept Him anywhere. I do not want to be a Christian, I will not accept Him, Jimmy Jim. Would you accept Him in a box? Would you accept Him with a fox? Not in a box, Not with a fox. Not in a house, Not with a mouse! I would not accept Him here or…

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Happy Mother’s Day, Mom

Happy Mother’s Day! If it wasn’t for all you mother’s out there, not only would none of us be here, but our socks wouldn’t match! Our stomachs and our hearts wouldn’t be full, and our boo-boo’s wouldn’t have been kissed. We might have run to dad when we wanted to horse around and play, but we ran to you when we were hurting… even after we grew up. I miss my Mom. She passed away on Christmas Day, 1996. It look several years for me to stop reaching for the phone after I got a great children’s ministry idea. She was always the first I told it to. Of course, for a long time, I just ran into the kitchen to show it to her. My children ministry career started at age ten when I told my mom I wanted to be a children’s evangelist when I grew up. My mom said, “What’s growing up got to do with anything? You start next Wednesday.” I answered, “But I said, “When I grow up!” Her response was, “If God called you to be a children’s evangelistic, why wait until you grow up?” She coached me through planning my first talk, and…

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