Start a New Tradition with the Families in your Ministry!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And few things stir up as much excitement in kids as the anticipation of Christmas morning. But let’s face it — waiting for Christmas to arrive is one of the hardest parts of childhood! Why not make that waiting time a little more meaningful (and fun!) by offering families a way to count down the days to Christmas while learning more about the true story of Jesus? Introducing Kidology’s Christmas Countdown Family Advent Paper Chain — a simple, interactive, and educational way to help kids stay focused on the Reason for the Season! Each day in December, families can remove one link from the paper chain, read a Bible verse, have a short discussion, and reflect on the meaning of Christmas. It’s a beautiful way to turn a fun countdown into a daily family devotion, deepening the anticipation of celebrating Christ’s birth. As a child, I loved making paper chains with my family, cutting strips of colored paper and linking them together to mark the days until Christmas. Kidology has taken that idea and added a spiritual twist! Each chain link includes a scripture and short devotional, leading up to the best…

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BEST Trunk or Treat Trunk EVER!

If you or your church do a Trunk or Treat, I’ve got the BEST Trunk or Treat TRUNK EVER! I got to see an early screening of this movie, and it’s FANTASTIC! Here is my official quote/endorsement: And, if you’d like a SNEAK PEEK, here is the trailer: This movie really is worthy of your support and taking the ENTIRE FAMILY, FRIENDS and a RANDOM STRANGER to go see! Check out all the COOL TOOLS for hosting a Best Christmas Pageant EVER Trunk or Treat TRUNK! – Karl PS: Never hosted a Trunk or Treat? Download my Trunk or Treat Planning Guide!  

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May I Come In?

May I Come In? By Doug Bastian God came in among his earthlings Cloaked, concealed in human frame, King to be, clothed first in swaddling, Given Joseph’s revealed name. He grew up a pure example For the work he was to do, Shocked the rabbis in the Temple With his wisdom which shone through.   Worked like all men to make ends meet, Helped his dad make things of wood, With rough hands and dusty, tough feet Fit right in where e’er he stood.   Blended with his people’s goings, Did not tell from whence he came, Saw their plight and their souls’ longings, Saw their leaders’ crafty game.   Then his cousin John came calling By the Sea of Galilee, Choosing hides to be his clothing— Locusts with his daily tea.   John called out for true repentance To the crowds that gathered there, So that they’d avoid the sentence Holy God will bring to bear.   Look! Watch your Messiah enter, Breaking on the earthly scene, Heaven’s dove shows John his Mentor, “This your Lamb may now be seen.”   We are glad he came to show us How to step into the Light, How to bear our…

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Just 100 Prophesies of Jesus!

We often tell kids about the many prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. But this year I decided to actually show them by compiling just 100 of the over 300 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. It turned out to be a much more daunting project than I originally anticipated, but it paid off. My goal was just to give them two or three of the 100 cards each, but they kept asking for more and more. They are now available on Kidology: 100 Prophesies of Jesus! DESCRIPTION: Boost your faith as you discover one hundred prophesies about the Messiah, written in the bible and fulfilled by Jesus! Guess how many prophesies God made about Jesus and His time here on earth? 25? 50? 100? 200? It’s hard to give an exact number because of how they are written, but scholars have counted about 575 verses in the Old Testament that somehow point to or describe the coming Messiah! Some of them repeat the same prophecy, but overall, there are about 300 different prophesies that Jesus fulfilled during His time on earth, from His birth through His ministry, and even in His death and resurrection. God used prophesy to help demonstrate that Jesus was…

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Toybox Tales Christmas is NOW on for FREE!

The CLASSIC Toybox Tales Christmas videos featuring the Playmobile characters – among others – that have been on DVD since since before YouTube existed, are now available exclusively on at If your church isn’t meeting on Christmas Sunday – send this link out to your families as something FUN their kids can watch at home, on their phones, tablets, computers or even game consoles!

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