Don’t Like Green Eggs
and Ham?
Jimmy Jim says TRY JESUS!
I’m Jimmy Jim!
Will you accept Him?
That Jimmy Jim!
That Jimmy Jim!
I do not like that Jimmy Jim!
Do you know Jesus?
Do you know Him?
Would you like to accept Him?
I do not want to be a Christian, Jimmy Jim!
I do not want to accept Him!
Would you accept him here or there?
I would not accept him here or there.
I would not accept him anywhere.
I do not want to be a Christian.
I will not accept him, Jimmy Jim.
Would you accept him in a house?
Would you accept him with a mouse?
I will not accept Him in a house,
I will not accept Him with a mouse.
I will not accept Him here or there,
I would not accept Him anywhere.
I do not want to be a Christian,
I will not accept Him, Jimmy Jim.
Would you accept Him in a box?
Would you accept Him with a fox?
Not in a box,
Not with a fox.
Not in a house,
Not with a mouse!
I would not accept Him here or there,
I would not accept Him anywhere!
I will not become a Christian!
I do not want Him Jimmy Jim!
Would you? Could you? In a cart?
Accept Him! Accept Him! Into your heart!?
I would not, could not, in a cart,
I would not, could not, into my heart!
If you’d accept Him, you would be
On your way to Heaven for eternity.
If you’d accept him you would see!
You may accept him, in a tree?
I would not, could not in a tree,
Not in a cart, you let me be.
Not in my heart, now can’t you see?!I will not accept Him in a box
I will not accept Him with a fox.
I will not accept Him in a house,
I will not accept Him with a mouse.
I will not accept Him here or there,
I would not accept Him anywhere!
I do not want to be a Christian!
I will not accept Him Jimmy Jim.
A train! A train!
A train! A train!
Could you, would you, on a train?
Not on a train! Not in a tree!
Not in a cart, Jim! Let me be!I would not, could not, in a box.
I would not, could not, with a fox.
I will not accept Him with a mouse,
I will not accept Him in a house.
I will not accept Him here or there,
I would not accept Him anywhere.
I do not want to be a Christian,
I do not need Him, Jimmy Jim.
Say! In the dark? Alone in the dark?
Would you, could, in the dark?
I would not, could not, in the dark.
Would you, could you, in the rain?
I would not, could not, in the rain,
Not in the dark. Not on a train.
Not in a cart. Not in a tree.
I do not want Him, Jim, you see.
Not in a house. Not in a box.
Not with a mouse. Not with a fox.
I will not accept Him here or there.
I will not accept Him anywhere!
Jesus loves you!
Will you love Him?
He died for you!
Won’t you accept Him?
I will not accept Him, Jimmy Jim.
I could not accept Him with all my sin!
But when you accept Him,
Your sins are all gone!
Jesus forgives everything you’ve done wrong!
That’s what it says in the Book that He wrote,
So could you, would you…. with a goat?
I would not, could not, with a goat!
Would you, could you, on a boat?
I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not accept Him in the rain.
I will not accept Him on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a cart! You let me be!
Not in my heart! Get away from me!I will not accept Him in a box.
I will not accept Him with a fox.
I will not accept Him in a house,
I will not accept Him with a mouse.
I will not accept Him here or there.
I would not accept Him ANYWHERE!
(getting weak)I do not want to be a Christian,
I do not need him, Jimmy Jim.
You do not need him,
So you say,
But Try Him! Try Him!
Please just pray.
Try Him and you may, I say.
Since you will not let me be,
I will try him so I can see,
Just why you keep on telling me.
That Jesus died so I can be,
Right with God for eternity.I’m not so sure,
Just what to pray,
But if He loves me as you say,
Then I will pray
This very day
And have my sins
Washed right away.Jesus, You know that I have sinned,
Probably more than Jimmy Jim,
But he says you love me, and if it’s true,
I’d like to be a Christian too.
Come in my heart and make me clean,
I do not want to be so mean.
I’d like to live forever more,
If you will take me, I am yours.Say! I’m a Christian now!
I accepted Him, Jimmy Jim!
And now I’ll love Him in a boat!
And I will love Him with a goat!
And I will love him in the rain!
And in the dark! And on a train!
And in a cart! And in a tree!
He’s in my heart, He loves me!
He is so good, so good, you see!So I will love Him in a box!
And I will love Him with a fox!
And I will love Him in a house!And I will love Him with a mouse!
And I will love Him here and there!
Say! I will love Him ANYWHERE!I DO love Jesus!
I DO love Him!
I’m glad that I accepted Him.
Thank you! Thank you, Jimmy Jim.
Original Story,
“Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss.
This Christian parody written
and copyrighted by Karl D. Bastian.
Sample from The Christmas Zone on
(Original Kidology Post)
I wrote this back in 1994 in 20 minutes right before Kids Church! I was doing a lesson on witnessing and the main point was on being persistent in our witness and I remembered this classic book from Dr. Seuss and the persistence of the little guy who got the old guy to finally TRY green eggs and ham, and how he LOVED IT when he finally TRIED it! And I realized, that is how it is with sharing Jesus.
So many people are so resistant to Christ, unwilling, for vaious reasons to even give Christ a try – usually because of Christians they have met, or seen in the media or movies – or misconceptions, and so they simply will not TRY JESUS, because they want nothing to do with the Jesus they have a perception of.
The problem is, the Jesus they are rejecting, I’ve rejected too – and Jesus would reject too, if they would read the Gospels! That Jesus doesn’t exist. In fact, it’s why He was crucified. The religious establishment didn’t like His message.
So, for my atheist and non-Christian friends, forgive my persistence, but you really really ought to try the Jesus of the Bible – not the Jesus of obnoxious Christians. (I don’t like them either!) And I apologize for all the things that have been done in the “Name” of Christ, yes, they were wrong. That isn’t the real Jesus.
Not even the Jesus I reflect at times, unfortunately. I’m a terrible mirror Him, often.
But the real Jesus, who created you, set you free, loves you despite how you use that freedom – then died for you to pay the penalty for the consequences of how you’ve used that freedom. And patiently waits for you to return to Him.
Jesus is often called the Meek Savior. But don’t confuse meek with weak. Meek is NOT weak. Meek is restrained power. He is powerful alright! Someday that power will be unleashed in judgment on this world and those who have not accepted his offer of salvation will be judged, and no one is getting away with anything. Those who have wronged you, will pay. But you and I will pay too, if we’ve not gotten right with our Creator. But everyone who has accepted His offer of forgiveness, will be granted such. Luckily for me (I need it) I’ve accepted it.
I hope many others will too. Before it is too late.
I DO love Jesus!
I DO love Him!
I’m glad that I accepted Him.
Thank you! Thank you, Jimmy Jim.
I have always loved this….and have used it many times!