SNEAK PEEK: Karl’s Novel

OK, as a little benefit to my ‘blog readers’ I’m going to give you little ‘sneak peek’ of my novel which will be published ONLINE one chapter a week, starting NEXT week! (Will be announced via the Kidology Newsletter) This novel is the result of several years of work and included the help of a few key friends who offered help on plot/writing/editing/etc. But the idea came to me after seeing the first Harry Potter movie – I loved the movie and even the moral lessons it contained, BUT did not like the foundation of witchcraft… then I included my own fascination with Star Wars and decided to isolate the elements of what makes GREAT stories that kids (and adults) love… the greatest ‘danger’ of Harry Potter is not so much in the reading of the books, but in the imitating of Harry and his friends, kids end up dabbling in witchcraft… whereas imitating Jedi is pretty harmless (No, Mom, I do not have to clean my room…. just won’t work! ) – but I began to think… THEN IT HIT ME – all the elements of Great Stories EXIST IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – but we just don’t realizeā€¦

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