Karl, Baby Fred, Gus and Others at Family Fun Night

By request via Facebook, I’m posting the family show I did at my church last weekend. A volunteer did the video from the back so the audio is the best, but you can hear the show fairly well. It was an after dinner show so unfortunately there is some ambient noise from the clean up going on back where the camera was, etc. but for what it’s worth, you’ll get to see Gus and some of my other puppets, including the scary baby routine, and some unique “Chapel only” humor as Gus picks on the whole multi-church format of our church a bit. This coming weekend our church is launching simulcast broadcasting so the opening routine with the magic drawing board has a little fun with that, to explain the context. But with no further ado, here is the entire program in seven parts: PART 1: Magic White Board Option for Multi-Site Churches PART 2: Baby Fred and it Stinks to be a Baby PART 3: Karl and Snowball PART 4: Gus on Multi-Personality Churches, er Multi-Site PART 5: Gus Invents WWID (What Would I Do?) PART 6: The Gus Raps (Kids in the Word & Yo God!) PART 7:…

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You may remember a few months ago when I went to One Way Street’s I-FEST conference as a Kidology Reporter to check out this event and report on Kidology the status of Puppet Ministry. Well, it took longer than I’d hoped, but the Kidology Report on Puppet Ministry is now live, and features I-FEST as evidence that puppet ministry is alive and well. In addition to the MP3 interview with OWS’s new president, Todd Liebenow, I put together a video of several interviews I did while there, appropriately with puppets – both Gus, my main puppet, and a new little guy I bought while there. (already seen in a post about Puppet Team names interviewing a baby!) It’s nearly 15 minutes long, but it will give you some glimpses into I-FEST as well as show you how I use a puppet to interview people. ENJOY! Karl’s Puppet Interview Attendees at I-FEST 2007: Available also as a QuickTime download (113mb): Kidology I-FEST Interviews

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What’s Your Puppet Team’s Name?

I visited I-Fest last week for a couple of days and had a lot of fun. (so did my car) I already posted my first impressions, so today I wanted to post some of the pictures of the different puppet teams, as well as a flash video of one of the interviews I did while I was there! It was so cool to see these groups of young people having a great time at an event that is training them for ministry! These guys are obviously having fun! And how can you miss this group? Even in a classroom they stand out! Here is the back of their shirts with their name. So many of them had a biblical source for their name too. This dude is just too cool! And has “glory fingers” And the HUG Puppets stand for: I’ve heard of teams called “Uplifted Hands” and saw one that said “Talk to the Hand” These shirts aren’t from a team, they were for sale, and I was going to buy one and forgot! DOH! What would name a puppet team? Does your team have a name? Leave a comment here, or if you are a Kidology member, comment…

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