Cubs Fan, or Sox Fan? THAT is the Question?

I am seriously contemplating changing from a CUBS fan, to a SOX fan. Yeah, yeah, I know… fair weather fan! BUT, I’m not saying i will change just for the World Series… if i switch, i SWITCH! (like with my Mac Switch) I’ve been asking myself, WHY am i a Cubs fan??? Well, good question. Mostly because my grandfather was and took me to games as a little kid, BUT he usually took me when they played California teams (since i was visiting from CA when we went) and I cheered for the opposing team much to his frustration. Secondly, because, my little brother Jordan Bastian is a HUGE Cubs fan, and I like to support my brother. But last weekend at my Grandma’s 90’s birthday party, there was my brother wearing a SOX cap!!! (these shirts were father’s day and bro birthday gifts from Sara and me) So, I asked myself, if it wasn’t for my Grandpa and my traitor brother, WHY would I be a Cubs fan??? If I were to pick a team on my own, not being a huge baseball fan, I’d probably pick the Sox. WHY? Because they wear black and white, which is very…

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Seein’ Double?

Tonight was “TWINS NIGHT” at our Awana Club. Many of you may not know that I have a twin brother, Kurt, but since it was ‘twins night’ I invited him to come to Awana. We wore matching shirts to add to the fun. The only problem was, that throughout the night, we never got to meet. I kept looking for him, visiting all the rooms over and over, and reportedly, Kurt did the same. The kids could tell us apart because, of course, I was drinkin’ Dew whereas Kurt had a McDonald’s Coke, and Kurt wears glasses. (Claimed he is the smarter of the pair.) Because we never were in the same room at the same time, the clubbers started to accuse me of pretending to have a twin brother! (can you believe that!?) So at the end of the night, when I finally found him, we posed for a picture with our Commander’s daughter to prove we both were there! Here is me, Natalie, and Kurt on Twins Night at Awana. He may be smarter, but he definitely isn’t the good lookin’ one.

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Knight Night at Awana

Last Tuesday was Royalty Knight, er, Night, at our Awana club! I had fun dressing as Sir. Drinkdewalot. (second counsin to Sir Lancelot, who I explained was a wimp) I told my story “The Day the King Unlocked the Gate” to each club (to be posted with book and powerpoint later on Kidology – too busy today) – and then Knighted the clubbers as Jr. Knights to go into all the world telling others about the King of Kings, King Jesus. I thought I might take home a new maiden as a wife, so I proposed…but when she refused…. I showed how knights got wives in the olden’ days. :) Pick one and take her home! :) (Fear not, the fair maiden escaped!) It was a fun evening, or should I say, it was a Royal Blast!

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HAY! that was fun!

As discussed on Kidology this summer, this fall I have started a ministry experiment in ‘partnering with parents’ – by forming an ‘opt-in’ ministry at church called VIP, which stands for Very Intentional Parenting – based on the concept that for genuine ‘partnering’ with parents, the children’s pastor and parents much first come an agreement on what ‘partnering’ looks likes and means, and then start doing it. Without going into all that here (you can read the link above), I wanted to post some pictures and info about our first VIP Ministry event this past Sunday – we got rained out the week before, but had a fantastic time! Much of this is a ‘reprint’ of what I posted on the ‘top secret’ VIP Blog available only to my VIP Families – it is where we post VIP ministry info and parenting tips, and other info just for these partnering families. Our first VIP Family Event was a HUGE success! Maybe one week late due to rain, but this past Sunday was perfect weather and we had a wonderful time! We had 59 people at this event! Everyone had a great time playing, visiting, eating, hay-riding, singing, laughing, and enjoying…

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If you only read my posts via e-mail, you have GOT to visit and check out the new header! I also wanted to let you know it was there, because you might need to refresh or clear your cache to get it to appear… but it is way cool! I LOVED what our Kidology graphic designer did for my sabbatical, (Corey at, so I had him keep the ‘Karl in the PK Cruiser with Darth’s cape flowing’ but had him add some of the places I am usually driving to and from. It looks really awesome! I think people will get a kick out of it! Let me know what you think in Comments! What would you have yourself drivin’ by?? I should get some advertising money from these places!

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