2009?! Already?

I’m headed off to CPC Nashville tomorrow. Let me know (in comments) if you will be there! I’ll be helping out in DiscipleLand’s booth and, YES, I’ll have Kidology Buttons for anyone who drops by to say “HI!”

AND, yes, we will be planning a Kidology Get Together, but I can’t announce when/where until I get there and scope out the schedule and location – but be checking here and/or the Kidology home page for the details, or e-mail me and I’ll be sure to let you know!

This has been a wonderfully crazy few weeks! For the second year in a row, by design, I did no travel or speaking in December and declared it a “family focused” month – my little boy will only to be little for so long! You’d think I’d have had time to blog, but its been a combination of enjoying downtime and also having too much fun and company to spend time blogging, and I have SO MUCH I want to post! I may be “past dating” some Christmas posts in January!

Then, I got a blessing that buried to me too. I was loaned a kitchen showroom that was closed for the week after Christmas to film all my new online trainign videos for 2009. Why a kitchen showroom? You’ll find out soon enough, but I had to spend 12+ hours a day writing, filming, and hauling all the props from the Kidology headquarters to the showroom and back.  I’ exhausted and now leaving for CPC tomorrow afternoon!

If you are waiting on an e-mail from me, I hope to catch up while at CPC during some much needed downtime. Until then, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I plan to do some mobile blogging at CPC, so this blog should start buzzin’ soon!

(BTW: I am much more faithful now at networking via my Twitter page and Facebook, so follow me there and you’ll get more updates and pictures.)


  1. Hi Karl! I’m heading to CPC tonight. I’ll look you up and I’m in for a Kidology get-together!

  2. Miss you already sweetie! Have fun, if you get a chance say hello to the outlet mall next door for me.

  3. Liz and I will be there on Wednesday. Hope to see you!

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