We’re Moving to Colorado

Yes, we are packing everything up and moving to Colorado this month! In his book Visioneering, Andy Stanley makes the following statement: “Everybody ends up somewhere in life.  A few people end up somewhere on purpose.” I have been in Chicagoland since my parents brought me here in 1985. My wife has been here since she married me! I LOVE the city of Chicago! The architecture, the sports teams, the political corruption, the hustle and bustle, the malls (that’s for Sara) the blizzards (yes, I love to snow blow), and the friends made over the years, will all be things I will miss. It is a world class city. I have traveled throughout the world as well as the United States and there is NO CITY like Chicago – not even close. But in m y heart I’ve always been an outdoors guy. And after hosting two Yosemite Summit retreats, nearly dying in April, and again in May, it was time to stop putting off for “someday” what could be done now. I grew up in Colorado where my dad pastored a country church in Elizabeth, Colorado. We got picked up from school on Friday and drove to the country…

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Order of the Ancient Impacts Families

As my blog readers probably know, I wrote a novel for kids called The Order of the Ancient. You expects kids to love a good novel, but I’m always so extra encouraged when I get notes from parents and adults on how my novel for kids impacted them as adults… which was always an intent in my writing it, and why the language of the books was never ‘dumbed down’ to simply kids vocabulary. Here is an e-mail I got today that not only made my day, but asked some key questions that showed great insight into what is coming in book two: Hi Pastor Karl- This summer our daughter Breenah attended Timber-lee Christian Camp and loved everything you said and did.  We purchased your book and read it as a family.  The spiritual growth in our family as we were reading this book was awesome (especially for Mom and Dad).  As adults this book spoke to our hearts about the way we take our Bibles for granite and our time with God. God used this to change the heart of our family- Thank you!! We would like to know when the next book is coming out? If there is…

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Moments in Time

There is just something amazing about these images of water captured with a high speed camera… Every time I come across them, I star at them… and study every detail… every ripple and splash… every color and reflection… knowing that if not for the camera’s super fast shutter… I could never enjoy this captured moment… stolen out of time for me… to hold in my hand… or in my mind… a moment… forever… how sweet it is! an accident? hardly! a planned disaster, actually! a beautiful mess. an explosion of motion and energy… caught in the motion of the moment… the camera catches what we miss every day. MAKES ME WONDER… what do we miss? What could we capture with the camera of our eye, if we would just focus throughout the day? A sweet smile? A gorgeous cloud? A curious animal? An enlightened moment? An encouraged person? What are the moments of our day that God creates that we miss? The splashes of his Grace? The colorful moments that He gives us? The green lights when we are in a hurry? The short line at the store? The empty parking spot near the door in a busy parking lot?…

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A Giant Shiny Jelly Bean!

While we are excited about moving to Colorado this fall, we won’t deny we will miss Chicago. (We just won’t miss driving downtown or paying to park downtown!) Today we decided to brave both and visit Millennium Park and our nephew Parker tagged along for the fun. (Click on any image for a larger viewing) Our reflection in the Giant Silver “Bean” – the main attraction. Sara and I in a rare moment with few people around, it was VERY crowded! A fish-eye lens was almost redundant here! Can you find Sara and Luke? Another fish-eys shot of the Bean. Luke checkin’ out the Bean! With the fish-eye lens I could get the whole Bean in the picture, kinda cool. Luke lays down and just soaks it all in. Luke underneath holding the whole Bean above him! Mommy and her little bean in front of the Bean! Next we headed over to the fountains where the kids can run and play in the water. It was pretty cool. Hundreds of kids, running and splashing, and laughing. It was very relaxing and seemed to hearken back to the days of community pools and parks – something we don’t have much of…

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Be The First to Get DiscipleTown!

By pre-ordering the very first DiscipleTown unit, How To Worship, you can be the very first to get this BRAND NEW children’s church curriculum from the creator of Kidology.org and DiscipleLand Bible Curriculum as soon as the final touches are ready… and its close! This completely downloadable curriculum includes beautiful PowerPoint presentations, video object lessons, puppet scripts, dramas, games, and more all build upon a solidly biblical theme that is focused on teaching kids skills they need to build as Disciples of Jesus. In addition to the all the incredible ideas provided for the classroom, DiscipleTown equips you for partnering with parents as well. Each week you are provided with an e-mail you can copy and paste to e-mail parents with what their children learned, questions they can ask their kids to get them talking, and a glimpse into what is coming next week. We’ve also introduced a creative tool that will help make it easy for families to gather just three times a week after meals talk about about what you are learning in children’s church in a fun and meaningful way. ORDER TODAY for only $39.95 and the moment it is ready, you will get an e-mail with…

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