DiscipleTown for FREE?

THIS OFFER HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Well over 1000 Churches responded to this free offer and are now teaching How to Use the Bible. It is our best selling unit that equips kids to USE their Bibles for life. It’s only $44.95 for 4-5 weeks and is PACKED with creative tools and resources. It is well worth a closer look. (Only $39.95 for members of Kidology.org) Order Today!

Yes! I’m excited to let you know that DiscipleLand.com is giving away 100% free full copies of my How to Use the Bible children’s church curriculum this month to subscribers of their free newsletter.


This is the full and complete 4-5 week curriculum that you can use in your children’s church.

This is your opportunity to find out why churches all over the world are using DiscipleTown – even if they don’t use DiscipleLand’s Sunday School materials. It is a strong stand alone children’s church curriculum that is highly creative, scripturally rich, incredibly flexible, engages the family and makes you look sharp!


Why would a publisher give one of their BEST SELLING units away?

Because they are a mission driven publisher with only one line of curriculum that flows out of a philosophy of making disciples.

They share my passion for getting children into the Word of God. I’ve written before about the crisis of kids not using the Bible.

One of the distinctives of DiscipleLand is the absence of printed scripture and the abundance of Bible references – so kids actually need their Bibles.

I remember when my church switched to DiscipleLand and we had to buy new furniture, because the kids needed room on their desks for Bibles!

The #1 compliment I get for DiscipleTown is how much Scripture there is in each and every lesson.

That is why HOW TO USE THE BIBLE is the unit that is being given away for FREE. Both DiscipleLand and I believe passionately that there is a great need today for our children to be equipped to use the Bible!

Too much of what is out there today in churches has become entertainment-rich but Bible-poor and children don’t know how to USE their own Bibles, IF they even bring them to church. This needs to change if they are going to STAND FIRM for God in this changing culture.

For children, the Bible can be a very intimidating book simply due to its size. These lessons will erase kids’ impressions of the Bible as a giant, overwhelming volume. Instead, they will discover that the Scriptures are a collection of smaller books written personally for them. You will introduce children to exciting tools that will help them dig into the Bible. Watch their confidence grow as kids gain a broader understanding of how the Bible is organized and how to navigate its pages! Your students will be motivated to practice applying Biblical principles to their daily lives and learn how to have a daily Quiet Time. The Bible is not just a book to be studied–it is God’s Book that can change their world!


Simply visit the DiscipleLand.com website. Click on the “Free Curriculum” banner on the right hand side of the web page and follow the prompts. This is a limited time offer, so don’t delay!


  1. Karl & Discipleland,
    Thanks so much! The timing for this is perfect for this and I really appreciate the awesome material. It’s so easy to use and solid in content!

  2. When I decided to try DiscipleTown, this was the first series I used (I didn’t use any of the previous ones) because as noted, kids weren’t bringing or using their Bibles. I had a lot of fun using this series, using power tools, blowing someone up, etc…. The kids still talk about it!!!

    I hope many take advantage of this free series, it was well worth the cost I paid for it. :-)

  3. I just signed up for mine. I can’t wait. I use a lot of the ideas from Kidology in our children’s church. The teachers love them and so do the kids! But when it’s my turn to teach in a few months I’m using this one!

  4. Just ordered mine. I plan to use it this school year. Much needed resource. Thank you!

  5. Karl, this is a great resource. Thank you for sharing this free offer. I will be sure to pass the info on to my friends.

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