O.K. – fess up! You’ve been a Basic Member of Kidology.org for awhile… lurking in the forums reading and not posting… coming every to the site every day to see snag the latest free post… but never joining. $.16 a day is just too much to slap down in this economy, I know. Times are rough.
So for all you bean counters out there who have been waiting for a deal, HERE IT IS!
In the next 52 hours, if you JUMP and take advantage of the ONLY144.com sale, you will get a TOP SECRET CODE that will give you an EXTRA THREE MONTHS FREE to a Premium Membership to Kidology.org! It’s the deal you’ve been waiting for.
PLUS – you’ll get all the goodies below! Keep reading, it’s just our way of partnering with the good folks at Only 144.com as we try to lure you, er, I mean, equip and encourage you in your children’s ministry!
We know Kidology readers are always looking for a great deal. Here’s your chance to turn $97 into $1,074 worth of children’s ministry resources for your ministry.
Hop over to Only144.com… but there’s not much time left.
The good folks there help keep Kidology tools and resources affordable, and they’ve put together this epic bundle sale by partnering with over 15 resource providers we know you’ll recognize. Plus, if you aren’t a Kidology member, this deal includes 3 FREE months of Kidology Premium Membership (an additional $24 value!)
Take a look at some of this resources included in this bundle:
- Children’s Pastors Conference Coupon (14.4% off)
- River’s Edge iGo Green Kids Camp/VBS Curriculum Files ($99)
- River’s Edge Elementary and Preschool Curriculum ($95)
- Kidzmatter Coupon ($50)
- Children’s Administrative Forms Bundle ($19)
- Yancy Worship Videos ($60)
- High-Voltage Kids Resources ($40)
- Timbuktoons Animated Videos ($120)
- PreteenMinistry.net Curriculum ($88)
- Gameshow ScoreKeep from Digital Stache ($25)
- Orange Conference Registration Coupon ($100 off)
- Jim Wideman Leadership Resource ($20)
- Kidz Graphics ($50)
- Name It PowerPoint Games ($34.95)
- President Bush Volunteer Appreciation Videos ($34.95)
- Kidology 3-Months Premium Membership ($24)
- Volunteer Training Audio from Church-Volunteers.com ($198)
All these resources for just $97!
However, the clock is ticking on this special deal. There are only a few hours left. Don’t wait. Click on over to Only144.com and save your church some bucks as you prepare for the fall!