The Gospel Rubix Cube!

I have a new Gospel Tool that kids will enjoy!

It all started because the stickers on my Rubix Revenge (4×4) were getting worn and peeling off:

Yuck! Look at those stickers!

Yuck! Look at those stickers!

So peeled them all off! Well, all but one…

A Naked Rubix Cube!

A Naked Rubix Cube!

95 stickers later, I was ready to prep the cube for some renewed life:


Now it was ready for NEW stickers, courtesy of


Since the Wordless Book only has 5 colors, I added orange…“Orange you glad Jesus came?”

Putting the new stickers on wasn’t that hard, and it’s great that Cube Smith gives you two sets for the few that you’ll put on crooked and once peeled off, won’t be smooth, so you can just add another.

Almost done!

Almost done!

Once it was done, I made a YouTube video to demonstrate:

What creative means have you come up with lately for sharing the Good News with others?

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