From Lego to Loyalty: A Heart Full of Thanks!

From Lego to Loyalty: A Heart Full of Thanks Today, I pause with a thankful grin, For all the joys that life lets in. From Lego bricks, since I was three, To Star Wars tales of destiny. The works of Tolkien ignite my mind, With realms of courage, richly defined. A yo-yo’s spin, a Rubik’s twist, Simple joys I can’t resist. Great action movies or classics that amuse, Laughter and thrills, I gladly choose. Gus, my sidekick puppet since college days, Helping kids learn in engaging ways. To hiking trails and drones that fly, Through nature’s splendor and the open sky. Photography capturing God’s great art, And Apple tech that’s sleek and smart. Yet none of these, no earthly cheer, Compares to family, friends so dear. Their loyalty through highs and lows, Their love a constant that always shows. Through, my calling clear, Equipping others, year by year. To reach the kids, to teach His name, To share His love, to spread His fame. For Jesus Christ, my Savior and King, The source of every song I sing. Despite my flaws, His love remains, He guides my steps, He heals my pains. So on this day, my thanks I…

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Send Me a Kids Riddle!

The next it Bible Curriculum series I am writing is called RIDDLE ME THIS! It will be about the strange sayings of Jesus, including: The least will be the greatest? Water that is alive? Love your enemies? Lose your life to find it? It will be filed with RIDDLES and PUZZLES! So, send me your favorite RIDDLE, JOKE (that is a riddle) or verbal puzzle and I might just use it! OR POST TO THIS FACEBOOK THREAD THANKS! Pastor Karl

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The Ultimate Jesus Action Figure

The Ultimate Jesus Action Figure! A friend of mine made this, Cristopher Osorino, and sent me pictures. Y’all know I created and have DVD’s of Bible Stories told with action figures and newer ones on – but this was just so amazing. Here is his Here’s is hia “recipe” if anyone is willing to make me one: (Note the wounds on his hands and feet.) From Hasbro Marvel Legends: – Namor the Sub-Mariner (body) – Malekith (hair) From DC Multiverse – White Knight Azrael And the tunic he has I got from some old McFarlane figure from spawn or something. The fore there is from a power Rangers Sphinx but that’s just like, extra, not really necessary. The white night comes with a good flame already I just liked this one more. If someone wants to make this, I’ll pay for it!

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Hidden Messages

  I just created a FUN on screen word puzzle to get kids talking about biblical phrases. Put the phrases on screen and see if the kids can figure them out. You can download high resolution 16:9 images or a PDF version to print. An answer key is also provided. Here are a few SAMPLES: See them all and download at:

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My Plans vs God’s Plans

A super cool Magic Trick / Object Lesson that illustrates why sometimes God says no to our plans. He has a bigger plan! THE EFFECT: You show a piece of paper that says MY PLAN on it and describe how sometimes you go to God with YOUR PLAN and God rejects it! You then RIP UP THE PAPER in front of the kids. But as you talk about how sometimes God rejects our plan because He has a bigger better plan, you slowly unfold the ripped up paper to reveal a completely restored LARGER paper with no tears any more that says GOD’S PLAN! It is the classic Torn and Restored Paper illusion with a new application! PRESENTATION VIDEO: Watch the explanation video and download templates to do the illusion at:

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