Sometimes a dad’s just gotta do, what a dad’s gotta do!
Recently Children’s Pastor Mark Jones, of sent me a copy of his new book, A Dad’s Gotta Do What a Dad’s Gotta Do. It looked so fun, I immediately sat down and read it to my son. I had no idea what it would be about, and was pleasantly surprised to discover just how much it would mirror my daily life with my own son. I don’t want to spoil the story too much – but it basicly is about a way a dad made his son feel loved one day on the way to school.
We enjoyed it so much, we immediately made a “thank you” video for Mr. Mark and posted it to YouTube:
Then I asked if we could sell his book on Kidology so we could help get his book into the hands for more dads!
He enthusiastically said, “Yes!”
So pick up your copy ASAP!