What is Easter About Anyway?

By popular demand, I have created an ALL NEW ToyBox Tale for Easter! It features Happy Meal toys Mr. Peabody and Sherman greeting Jesus just as He exits the tomb along with a fun lesson introduction as I explore all the silly Easter “stuff” you see in stores around this time that have nothing to do with the meaning of Easter, despite the fun they are.


It’s a fun video that is just under 15 minutes. It was a lot of fun to make! So What Is Easter Anyway? is a 14-minute ToyBox Tale style retelling of the Easter story through the use of action figures and other Easter-themed toys. Great for use in transitional ministry situations or as an introduction to teaching about this important holiday.

The video — provided in both MOV and MP4 video formats (720 x 480) — explores the various things associated with the holiday, from eggs to rabbits and beyond. Utilizing the time travel storytelling narrative of Mr. Peabody & Sherman, kids will discover Jesus just as he was coming out of the tomb!

I went goes shopping for Easter stuff to see if he could discover the meaning of this pastel holiday. After coming up with nothing but candy, eggs, bunnies and flying foam darts, I decided to go back in time with Mr. Peabody and Sherman who bump into Jesus just as he is coming out of the tomb!

Your kids will enjoy my crazy antics as well as this fun re-telling of this important story with Happy Meal Toys and other action figures.

Enjoy the rough cut sample video below to get a taste of the full video. But no worries, they won’t end up in the Gospel narrative!

A purchase of the video includes a large group and small group game idea and small group discussion questions to go along with the video. Ideal for kids church, Awana Council Time, a family devotional or any gathering of kids around Easter Sunday!

Watch this sample video:

ORDER NOW in time for Easter!

One Comment:

  1. The Real Kidmin

    Dude, I so have to get this!

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