On an island in the middle of the ocean, there is a Kidology.org member. Ever hear of Reunion? Neither had I.
It’s a paradise island near Madagascar complete with a live volcano. While officially discovered by Europeans in 1507, it may appear on a map as early as 1153 AD – ruled over the years by the Portuguese, British and now the French.
Just Google images of Reunion Island and you’ll discover some breath-taking pictures like out of a movie. It’s incredible!
How did I come to discover this beautiful and fascinating island? When I got the following e-mail this week from a missionary working there:
I hope I’m not too late to donate to the $20 for 20 years campaign. I’ve been praying the Lord would provide the money to donate for your 20 years celebrations. Last week we received a gift and it was easy to work out what the money was for & I’m so delighted that was God’s choice! Kidology has been my Kidmin lifeline on the mission field for so many years that I can’t imagine your ministry not being a part of ours. Thanks so much also for all the years of sponsorship that have allowed me to have access to so many wonderful resources. May the next 20 years be an even more incredible blessing to your team & to Kidmin leaders around the world.
– Denise Esterman (Reunion Island)
Instead of asking for yet another scholarship to Kidology, Denise chose to give back. I thanked her, sent her a Google map of Reunion to make sure I was understanding where she was and added three years to her membership, to which she replied:
On a normal world map, we are really just a pin prick in the middle of the ocean, but there are over 850,000 people to be won to the Lord so we’ve got plenty of work to do!
Thank you so much for renewing my membership until 2018 – that’s 3 whole years!! I’m not ashamed to admit that your generosity caused me to shed a few tears of joy & relief! I can’t even begin to tell you what that means to me – I was resigning myself to being without membership for a while as I just couldn’t bring myself to ask for yet another scholarship after all the times you’ve already renewed it for me. I was happy for someone else to have a turn! Thanks again for your generous heart.
Blessings, Denise
I share this story because it is just one of many such stories of how Kidology.org is making an impact in children’s ministry all over the globe – we love to give away scholarships and gifts to people who may seem far off to us, but are as close to the heart of God as we are – and need our help to reach and teach kids for Jesus.
Perhaps you might consider helping Kidology continue to make an impact around the world by joining Denise in making a $20 donation to celebrate our 20 years of ministry around the globe.
(I’m still trying to figure out how they get Internet there!)
Because Jesus Loves Children,
Karl Bastianaka The Kidologist
Our Mission: To Equip and Encourage Those Who Minister to Children.
Thanks so much, Karl. As well as blessing me with a renewal of my membership, you’ve also increased the intelligence of all those who read your blog & had never heard of Reunion! We’d appreciate your prayers for the work here – more information available on our new blog for English-speakers: http://estermanministries.eklablog.com/ and my kidmin blog for French-speakers (or Google Translate fans):
P.S. This message is coming to you via a satellite hovering over the southern Indian Ocean.