At the bottom of this blog post is the most incredible truth you will ever read. It will change your life. You you will never be the same. By now, you’ve skipped down there are read it and returned to here. Why? You couldn’t handle the anticipation of that it might be!
Anticipation is a lost art. In so many areas of life, the anticipation is a huge part of the enjoyment – at times it even surpasses the final reality. Star Wars fans know well the power of anticipation. So much hype and speculation goes into the next instalment of Lucas’ space saga, that many whinny YouTubers can’t hide their disappointment at each movie. Were the movies truly as bad as some say, or was the anticipation greater than the final result?
Anticipation can result in disappointment, if the end result isn’t worthy of it, but it also increases interest, engagement and participation. People who anticipate invite others to join them. It’s one of the most powerful marketing tools, beat only by sex appeal and dire warnings of gloom and doom!
Whether it’s a new iPhone that drives people to wait in lines to be first, or that moment that lingers right before the first kiss – Anticipation is when the world stops and everything swirls around what is about to happen.
Anticipation is powerful. And ought to be a tool in kids ministry!
How can we use Anticipation to generate excitement in our ministry? Can we get people eager for what is next? Do we know how to give just glimpses of what is to come? Do we allow some leaks to generate curiousity? Do we offer limited access or pre-registration because it’s going to be so amazing you might miss out due to demand?
Kids love to look forward to things! Plan ahead and promote ahead of time in teaser trailers.
- “There is going to be fire and explosions at our church in March!” (Because Josh Dehart is coming)
- “I might just get a red mohawk haircut to be as cool as the guy who’s coming to our church.” (If you have Jeff coming)
- “I might lose my job over this one…”
- “It’s going to be so EPIC so can only handle 30 preteens at the event.”
- “Our next family event you’ll want to sign up the day regitration opens, we had a waiting list last time after three days…”
- Plan something worthy of anticipation!
- Don’t give all the details at once!
- Tease with the date and something that makes them curious.
- Keep leaking details until registration or sign ups starts.
- Save some surprises they won’t discover until they are there, that builds anticipation for next time.
The Quote of Quotes: Since Adam and Eve, people have jumped ahead if there was a promise of something better. You skipped ahead to read this, didn’t you?
This blog post is a result of my random word challenge, submitted by Glen Leathers for Anticipation.