10 Things You Should Never Do

Just some friendly advice:neverever

  1. Do not put off backing up your phone or computer.
  2. Do not wear white socks with black shoes.
  3. Do not send an angry e-mail or text.
  4. Do not buy underwear at a thrift store.
  5. Do not donate underwear to a thrift store.
  6. Do not post “following” on a Facebook thread. (Please) Just select to be notified.
  7. Do not drive slow in the fast lane.
  8. Do not drive fast in the slow lane.
  9. Do not cut your own hair.*
  10. Do not run a children’s ministry without a secure check-in system!

Need help with that? Visit Kidology.org/KidCheck. KidCheck exists to help you ensure the children entrusted to you are safe and secure. Kidology Members get a discount for the entire first year. Got questions? They’ll be happy to set up a call to walk you through the process – no pressure!

Add a comment with something YOU think you should never do!

*I learned this the hard way.

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