Get a FREE copy of CM Professional Edition

In the current edition of Group’s Children’s Ministry Professional edition, I was honored to be featured in an interview in the Career Coach section titled: Following God’s Call. If you don’t get Group’s Children’s Ministry Professional edition, I highly recommend it. Other topics in the current issue include: Leading Leaders Taming a Talker The Top Job? No Thanks Gut Check During Interviews Families in Crisis Rumor Weeds Hopping to Greener Pastures Good Habits Beware Informal Communication Restoring Lost Administrative Tasks New books on the market and more! To find out how you can get a free sample copy of the current issue with my interview, go here. If you read the interview there is a discussion on Kidology here.

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Win Nearly $600 in Awesome Video Products!

REPRINTED from the home page, want to make sure you don’t miss this! These products are truly amazing and live up to the name “Awesome!” We’ve been working to get these on Kidology for a long time and just know you will find them a huge blessing to your ministry! We have an ‘awesome’ offer for you this month. Here’s the deal: Join or renew your membership to during the month of August and we will enter your name into a random drawing for an ‘Awesome’ Prize Giveaway.’ (Professional level or above) What’s included in this ‘Awesome’ prize? How about one of each of the products featured in our store! Each one is unique, and PACKED with useful resources for your ministry. Animated Bible Maps uses actual satellite images to create 3D animated maps, and allows you to project them onto a large screen. Children’s Pastors Tool Box is packed with audio and video clips designed for use by churches. Revolutionize the way you teach! Secret Weapon will be your best recruiting tool, featuring 6 ‘commercials’ to attract willing volunteers. Drama Tool Kit allows multiple sound effects, to enhance your drama or skit. Also includes video backdrops!…

Continue reading is LIVE! is now live, as is my second podcast with Gus. The topic: Making Your Ministry F.U.N.! You can even subscribe via iTunes so you don’t miss an episode! MUCH THANKS to children’s pastor and voice and technical talent Scott Neubauer for his help in bring my podcast from the dream stage to reality. That’s his voice you hear in the intro and closing, and who is doing coordinating all the technical aspects of the podcast with Kidology’s web director, Steve Tanner. I’m very blessed to have such a technically skilled team here at Kidology so I can focus on the ministry side of things (and sit and talk with puppets!) Check out the latest podcast today!

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Help Me Choose My FREE CD!

I need help choosing my FREE CD that I have won… well, I haven’t exactly won it yet, but it’s only a matter of time, so I’m looking for suggestions. What album would you have your sister buy you when you won a bet? You see, I went off Mountain Dew the day after Christmas and went 44 days without any Dew! 44 is my favorite number, so I rewarded myself with an ice cold Dew, which spilled all over the floor of my car the moment I went to sip it as I hit a pot hole! While many claimed this was a sign from God to not have any Dew, I took it as a sign that I, uh, oh, never mind. Bottom line, I was back the bottle, er can, for several busy weeks. So when I got back from CPC last week I decided to not only go Dewless again, but to go TOTALLY WITH NO POP/SODA for another 44 days. (I’m trying to lose weight and get in shape for Yosemite Summit) Knowing my sister has been on a diet I invited her to join me for some local accountability. (She lives a few house…

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