DiscipleTown Table Talker Taste

I’ve been working on writing DiscipleTown Table Talkers all day, for the fifth unit due to come out soon, and one of my favorite parts of this curriculum is the Table Talker family devotional component. Download a Sample TableTalker (PDF, 185k) So I thought I’d put a sample on my blog to give my blog readers a “taste” of a family devotional that will be part of the next DiscipleTown unit. Each devotional has an easy “Let’s Play” component that gets families playing together with no complicated preparation – just something they can do with stuff usually right at the table, tho this one uniquely has them using the whole house due to the lesson point. Then there is a “Let’s Talk” discussion question to get every member of the family talking – but it is a targeted question that is setting them up for the topic. Next they are in the Word with “Let’s Read” followed by a short devotional “Let’s Think” that helps guide a parent on a spiritual discussion. But it doesn’t stop there. I always end with a “Let’s Do” practical application. Most are just a verbal application, but one of the three will be an…

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2010 Snuck Up On Me!

It seems like just yesterday I was blogging about how I hoped 2009 would be better. And here it is 2010! Aren’t we supposed to riding around on hover boards and beaming from place to place by now? I read that post, and instead of writing a post about my New Year’s Resolutions, I think I can just say “ditto” to that post! But I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that an entire year has passed by when I reflect on all that I accomplished in 2009 – it’s actually quite an astonishing list – no wonder I am so exhausted! Survived a heart attack! Survived being struck by lightening!! Hosted the 2nd Yosemite Summit Started a retreat for women: Unbridled Relaunched a completely NEW Kidology.org Oh, and an entirely new ToyBoxTales.com as well Not to mention, a brand new curriculum: DiscipleTown AND two completely free three year curriculums! Attended CPC Nashville & San Diego Published an article in Children’s Ministry Magazine (PDF) Then got a column in CM Magazine and CM Pro Launched the Kids Church Cookbook! Squeaked out a few more podcasts All while moving from Illinois to Colorado! And I wonder why I’m feeling exhausted?! No wonder…

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Free Bible Curriculum? Are We Crazy? Doubly So!

Since 1994 Kidology.org has been the Internet’s leading and ever growing source of supplemental ideas for teaching children in the church. And while there is a LOT of curriculum in our Zones and for sale in our Store, we have never had a complete and comprehensive Bible curriculum available for our members. Until now. Starting in January 2010, we will have not one, but TWO complete three year comprehensive Bible curricula on Kidology.org! And are you ready for this? THEY ARE FREE. One is free for Kidology.org Premium Members – that means for only $60 a year you’ll have access to a complete three year curriculum for your entire elementary education. Too expensive? The other is completely free for Kidology Basic Members. (Yeah, those who sign up for nada, zippo, zilch!) Check them out: Discovering God’s Path: a wonderfully designed and visually appealing completely reproducible curriculum. Released quarterly on Kidology.org and downloadable for free for Kidology Premium Members or available in its entirety for purchase in our store. (January is already available with the rest of the first quarter of 2010 available next week!) Again, this curriculum will be free for Kidology Premium Members. It will be released online one…

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As promised on Facebook and Twitter, here is the picture I posted and the captions that were entered in my “CAPTION THIS” contest: OTHER ENTRIES: To manyz donutz hurted my tummiez… (Allison Waters) “i said KRYPTONITE!” not krispy kreme! (Barbara Neiger) Luke became overwhelmed after learning that Buzz Lightyear – not Darth Vader – was his true father. And to think, the clues were there all along. (Jordan Bastian) To infinity and beyond…the Krispy Kreme! (Todd Liebenow) Buzz asked Jr. to taste test his new recipe that he got from Karl’s new cookbook! (Tammy Jones @vbscrazy) Toy Story 3: No Doughnut Gets Left Behind (@alyssaglick) To Immodium and beyond! (@marc_romero) the evil pirate Zorkons were approaching us from the aft vector to raid our donut loot, but I was able to prevent them. *burp* (Glenn Woods @thurios) Donut try this at home, I’m a trained professional (@samluce) EXPOSED: Buzz Lightyears secret desire-join the police. (@j_doss) To Naptime and Beyond! (@fathershousekid) This is what happens when those intergalactic cops have their fill of doughnuts. (@franktan) AND THE WINNER IS: “To infinity and….oh, are those doughnuts? Um….never mind, saving the galaxy can wait. MMMMM….. doughnuts……” (Rob Siebert) Rob: Twitter or FB message…

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ToyBoxTales has a NEW Site!

In case you haven’t heard, www.ToyBoxTales.com has been completely redesigned and improved! You can now watch ALL the 101 ToyBox Tales instantly via embedded flash, no more need to download first. And for those who want the downloads for showing at church, they are now all available on one page. Free for Kidology.org members or directly on www.ToyBoxTales.com for a very nominal once-in-a-lifetime fee. So jump over and check out the ALL NEW www.ToyBoxTales.com and enjoy some Bible stories like you’ve never seen them before! Here are some of the most popular videos on the site: The Crossing of the Red Sea This is the one that started it all. Karl did this at camp in 2001 and the following summer the kids were still talking about it and asking him to do more “action figure Bible stories” – discovering that it was a powerful method for teaching, and since he already owned hundreds of action figures, ToyBox Tales was born! Whatcha Got Cooking This is the #1 downloaded/viewed video on the site. It is also the only one where Karl had to pull the video feed at the end because a hampster was stuck in the oven! Beauty and…

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