Electronic D-Day (free e-mail report)

DON’T MISS THE FREE REPORT AT THE END OF THIS POST! TODAY is one of those days I declare Electronic D-Day! It is the day I process all the e-mails I have deferred recently to be done “later” – unfortunately, later may never arrive if you don’t declare an Electronic D-Day! Why is it D-Day? Because on this day EVERY e-mail that is pending action is either: Deleted Deferred Delegated or Dealt with If you struggle with managing e-mail, I have two gifts for you. #1 Enjoy this video of me destroying a laptop, as I’m sure you’ve wanted to do the same! NOW FREE! YES, FREE! YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE NOT TO GET YOUR E-MAIL UNDER CONTROL TODAY! Why wait another day? #2 Download and read this BONUS REPORT, previously only available as part of the Kidology Online Training Leadership Lab: Refine, Define and Shine. (in the Download Kit) Perhaps it is time for you to declare an Electronic D-Day! The TEN POWERFUL E-MAIL TIPS FOUND IN THIS REPORT may just change your life. From the feed-back I’ve gotten from family and friends, that isn’t an exaggeration! The ideas in this report are both simple and amazingly profound. You…

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Gus Interviews Karl?

By popular demand (via e-mail) the Children’s Ministry Podcast featuring my trusty side-kick, Gus, is back! Only with a twist – in this first in a new series, Gus turns the tables a bit and interviews ME! What’s he wondering? What is the meaning behind the word “Kidology?” And in the process he gets me to share my unusual journey into children’s ministry in his own humorous way. You can always be sure to know when the next podcast is out by subscribing in one of the following ways: Subscribe via iTunes (Updates via Apple’s iTunes) Subscribe to this Feed (Updates via RSS) Discuss the podcast! (Kidology Network Forums) Or just remember www.childrensministrypodcast.com and check back often! BUT WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DON’T MISS THE LATEST EPISODE HERE!

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I Dew Win!

I never win anything. Ever. Until today when I got a package from Mountain Dew! (actually New Media Strategies) They teamed up with BevReview.com for a Win Dew Stuff contest – all I had to do was comment on a post about Mountain Dew. (not too difficult!) Next thing I know, I’ve won a hat, a flash drive and a cool light up pen. My day is off to a good start!

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Why Twitter?

Why do I Twitter? I get asked that a lot. And I seem to stumble around for an answer because there isn’t just one simple answer, so I usually just say “to keep connected with remote friends.” Which is a big part of the reason, but I thought I’d try to expound a little on why it is I have posted over 1000 “tweets” to my Twitter page. Someone recently asked me what the ministry benefits were. I’d probably have to honestly say none, or not much. It’s not about ministry. It’s more about interpersonal relationships. Here I will try to explain what Twitter is, how you Twitter and lastly WHY Twitter. WHAT IS TWITTER? It would help first of all, to try and explain what Twitter is. First of all, it is found here: www.twitter.com. And if you know a Twitter-er’s username, you can simple put it after the domain, such as mine is: www.twitter.com/kidologist. Users can customize their page with a background as well as the color scheme of the page. And their Twitter profile icon of course. But what IS Twitter? It is a micro-blog whose posts are made up not only of your own, but of…

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Karl on Christine Yount’s Podcast

If you follow DiscipleBlog.com, you may have caught my post What Happened To The Bible. It fueled a healthy discussion over on Kidology.org. Then, Christine Yount, editor-in-chief at Children’s Ministry Magazine featured it on her blog. Then, I was honored when Christine asked if she could interview me for her podcast on the subject. You can listen to the podcast here. Christine Yount is a leading voice in children’s ministry and someone you need to keep in your virtual circle of advisors. I’m excited to see her blogging and podcasting now. I’ve been listening to her for as long as I can remember and her longevity in children’s ministry leadership is a true mark of someone who is dedicated to a mission, not to a business or just trying to being heard. When Christine Yount speaks, I listen. (That doesn’t mean I always agree – but it does mean she forces me to think and constantly be evaluating. And I love that!)

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