New Page

I’ve been reviewing my various domains over the past year and letting a bunch of them expire. Back when there was only .com, .org and .net it made sense to snag all three when you bought a domain. Some you bought for fun – like which we did for a conference lanyard years ago at CPC that is still live. Now that there are a zillion extensions, it makes less sense to hang on to other extensions as they no longer prevent brand competition as someone can simply snag up .biz, .info, or a host of others. One of the odd extensions I pocked up early on when they started adding new ones was I’m lucky enough to have a fairly unique name – not too many imposters out there. I was about to cancel the renewal (it just forwarded to my blog) when I got an idea! Why not make literally info about Karl Bastian? I have been accused of being a little confusing with all my various websites for ministry, church, kids, even droning… so what if I had a HUB where you could find them all, IN ONE PAGE? Not a new website –…

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Karl’s Ancient Guitar Chord Books

This post won’t interest many, mostly posting for myself, but if it helps any guitar players out there, so be it! Not many know I play guitar – honestly, I’m not very good at at, it’s mostly a private hobby, a skill more than a talent, if you understand the difference. I picked it up in college because my roommate, Rich Stafford, was amazing, I and I wanted to learn, and he was a great (and patient) teacher. I LOVE leading kids worship and still enjoy it for personal (and private) worship when in my Man Cave. I own a variety of guitars, from classical to acoustic and this is my last addition that I’m really enjoying. Anyway, on to the point of this post… I have been using the same guitar chord books I created in the 90’s since, well, the 90’s! I made these when I used to lead worship with my guitar to collect all my favorite songs into two books – kids songs, and adult worship songs. On the rare occasions I still get to lead and play, I still use these, but I only had a few extant paper copies, so I decided to finally…

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