Taking Over Culvers – Part 2!
Sunday afternoon, and another chance to put ‘relational ministry’ into practise… that’s just my excuse for going out to lunch with a bunch of goofball kids (and their parents) Not pictured: The well balanced meal before the ice cream! Also not pictured: All the grown ups at the ‘adult’ table. Well, it was back to Culvers after church this Sunday! And guess what? The manager noticed we were back, and instead of throwing us out, offered us VIP cards for discounts in the future! So I guess I got my scheme, er, wish, without asking! (see Culvers post below) It was only a matter of time before I got ice cream on my shirt, and pants, and shoe! and I didn’t even order any! Few things in life are better than being out to lunch with a bunch of silly kids – where do they get the energy? I needed an hour long nap afterwards! Remember that verse in the Bible about ‘ol log eye?’ Ahhh Matie! It’s fun to goof around, but it’s also fun telling stories and sneakin’ in little mini-life lessons as they beg for me to tell more stories… Ouch! I also discovered why I’ve been…