How To Waste Time Online…
OK, I have a zillion things to do today, prepare for two Kids Church services, a combined Sunday School, and pack and prepare to leave after church for a week at the Children’s Pastor’s Conference in California. (posts on that will be made live at CPC!) So much to do, and not enough time to do it all… so what do I do? Get sucked into a stupid website from a link from a link from my sister’s blog….. claims to have state of the art face recognition software that will tell you who you look like. You just upload a picture and wa-la! Here is what famous person you look like. If you don’t like the results, you just click to see the next one. OK, so I wasted five minutes checking it out…. here are my results: Ok, this was the first one. Don’t know who this guy is, but hey, not too bad I suppose. Winsome smile… maybe I should grow a little beard? At least it wasn’t Shrek the website picked as my look-a-like, but I decided to try another…. after all… it only takes a click… This was a much better result…. my wife…