How To Waste Time Online…

OK, I have a zillion things to do today, prepare for two Kids Church services, a combined Sunday School, and pack and prepare to leave after church for a week at the Children’s Pastor’s Conference in California. (posts on that will be made live at CPC!) So much to do, and not enough time to do it all… so what do I do? Get sucked into a stupid website from a link from a link from my sister’s blog….. claims to have state of the art face recognition software that will tell you who you look like. You just upload a picture and wa-la! Here is what famous person you look like. If you don’t like the results, you just click to see the next one. OK, so I wasted five minutes checking it out…. here are my results: Ok, this was the first one. Don’t know who this guy is, but hey, not too bad I suppose. Winsome smile… maybe I should grow a little beard? At least it wasn’t Shrek the website picked as my look-a-like, but I decided to try another…. after all… it only takes a click… This was a much better result…. my wife…

Continue reading NEW header!

If you only read my posts via e-mail, you have GOT to visit and check out the new header! I also wanted to let you know it was there, because you might need to refresh or clear your cache to get it to appear… but it is way cool! I LOVED what our Kidology graphic designer did for my sabbatical, (Corey at, so I had him keep the ‘Karl in the PK Cruiser with Darth’s cape flowing’ but had him add some of the places I am usually driving to and from. It looks really awesome! I think people will get a kick out of it! Let me know what you think in Comments! What would you have yourself drivin’ by?? I should get some advertising money from these places!

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Dew from Heaven!

Due to a bunch of technical jargon I won’t bore you with (too late) I was unable to ‘blog’ for over a week! ahhhhhh! I know you’ve been checking every day. Wasn’t it St. Augustine who said that everyone is born with a Karl’s Blog Shaped Void? Anyway, here are a few of the things I wanted to post… the rest I’ll skip now and you can just wonder the rest of your life! This photo above is going in my collection right next to my photo of Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster. I caught a picture of my youth pastor sitting at my office Mac. (notice the beautiful 21 inch screen with a Mac mini!) I actually left my office for an appointment and trusted him to stay and play on it. Since the only way a Mac can get a virus is for someone to be sitting at it and manually install it, this was a great demonstration of trust. Despite how stable Macs are, he did manage to get some error messages to appear, which he gleefully documented with screen shots, including the following: Message my PC loving youth pastor supposedly saw on my Mac’s…

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For MacFriends Only

Introducing Pastor Karl’s MAC BLOG. This won’t be for everyone – but for those who already know the Mac Way of Life, or for those interested in learning more about Macs, I am starting a separate blog that will deal with MacIssues. It will be a place where I will post tips, tricks, secrets, advice, links, software recommendations, and the occasional gripe. (No, they aren’t perfect… but pretty close!) The address is I will also be inviting my MacFriends to be members of the blog so that they can add posts as well (rather than only comments). If you know me personally, and use a Mac, and would like to be a posting member of this new blog let me know. Everyone else, enjoy the MacBlog, or keep to your PC ways. But at least know you do have a choice.Question for comments: the new blog displays the mac you see above and appears fine on my computer, but on my wife’s ancient PC (no she has not switched and has been given the option) the bottom of the laptop is not visible… let me know in comments to this post if you can’t see the whole powerbook when…

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Hold That Tiger!

Well, I did it. I finally upgraded to the all new OS X Tiger! And was reminded again of why I changed to Mac – forget the days of spending all day (or even hours) on an operating system upgrade… pop in the DVD, after a few clicks, it started installing. Rather than sit and look at the computer screen for 20-30 minutes, I went to get a taco at Taco Bell… when I got back, the upgrade was done, and it had even rebooted and was ready to go. Wow. Back to work. I thought the big “X” stood for “TEN” but I know now it stands for CROSSING OUT WINDOWS! (and all the problems associated with Windows) For fun, you can check out the longest running discussion on – the Mac vs. PC discussion.

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