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OK, I’ll admit it…. I cried.

IT’S HERE! The next star wars trailer is now here. My favorite scenes are always the ships and space battles. It is hard to watch the young Anakin turning… But I’m glad there will be a lot of saber battling… that is always cool! I’ll admit though, I got a little choked up when Obi-Wan says, “But you were the chosen one.” It is definitely a tragic story,and this chapter will be the darkest. Still hard to believe that cute little kid could become Darth Vader! DOWNLOAD QUICKTIME: STAR WARS III trailer. DOWNLOAD AVI: STAR WARS III trailer. They are both BIG, so be patient!

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Goodbye Friends…

The only downside to a CPC is that you have to leave. Here are a bunch of fun people that I met or got to see while here… I know these guys as “Larry and Bob” because they dress up as Larry and Bob to minister to kids. Sherry and Sam from INCM Jeremy Lee and Mee A Kidology member I met in the elevator! More members that stopped me to say hi (always makes my day) Nancy Keith, the newest Kidology CP Team Member! Rob Biagi and Tanner in the background. Roger Fields of Kidz Blitz. (thanks, Roger, for the yummy steak dinner!) This guy of course has to come back with me… Tanner has just moved up to full time with Kidology as our Director of Web Operations. On, if it looks sharp – Tanner had a hand in it!

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Welcome to the ALL NEW

While I think it pretty lame to use your first post in your blog to explain what a blog is, I’m struggling to think of anything that is worthy of being the ‘first post’ in my blog! I mean, there’s a lot of pressure here to be deep or profound, or to make this post something that years from now people will say, “It all started the day I read Karl Bastian’s first blog post…” or “I mark the true beginning of my life from the moment I read the first post on…” or “i knew my life was complete the day I happened to read Karl’s first blog post…” or something to that effect. Everyone knows what a blog is, so rather than say something predictable like ‘this is where I will post my thoughts and ideas for my family and friends to read’ – I’ll just start by saying that, well, by saying, really nothing at all. I will resist the urge to explain that this is the site I will use to post things that don’t fit on my other sites, or that are more personal in nature, or that I want to be able to…

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