While I think it pretty lame to use your first post in your blog to explain what a blog is, I’m struggling to think of anything that is worthy of being the ‘first post’ in my blog! I mean, there’s a lot of pressure here to be deep or profound, or to make this post something that years from now people will say, “It all started the day I read Karl Bastian’s first blog post…” or “I mark the true beginning of my life from the moment I read the first post on kidologist.com…” or “i knew my life was complete the day I happened to read Karl’s first blog post…” or something to that effect. Everyone knows what a blog is, so rather than say something predictable like ‘this is where I will post my thoughts and ideas for my family and friends to read’ – I’ll just start by saying that, well, by saying, really nothing at all. I will resist the urge to explain that this is the site I will use to post things that don’t fit on my other sites, or that are more personal in nature, or that I want to be able to…
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